Original Post
Hey guys, im new to this game so im hoping for some tips on how to earn money and become well respected and popular in the community.
Well hello, welcome to the community!

Luckily enough, there has been a recent thread asking the TC question (link)

A well respected player is one who follows rules, is generally nice and so on. So, just as long as you don't become a bad user you can assume that you are respected, although getting acknowledged for that respect is a different talk

There are a few ways to become popular.
Becoming a marketer (A person who actively engages in the Market side of the game, becoming well known around there)
Becoming a good replaymaker (not the easiest thing to do, but a fun one for sure)
Becoming an artist, be it normal art or textures
Maybe even becoming a staff member like a Gamemaster.

You will learn more about the community and you will find the answers to your questions way easier with just time spent here.

Hope you enjoy your time here, cheers.