Original Post
Call It A Stupid Question...
...But, I've noticed something odd, but I just now decided to ask about it. Why do Some people have like 5 or more lines in their signature, but others have the 2 line limit? I have the 2 line limit, and it bothers me to have a crappy sig because of such limits.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
Oldschoolers have normal sig. limits.

Prime users have very unrestrictive signature limits.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
pretty unfair for my sig(chuck)
Any thread this has been read in has been officialy become metaly retarded.....YAY Fag
i just want a bigger sig is all. i think a 2 line limit is a little restrictive to that. maybe a 5 line limit so people can put their names in ASCII or something.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
It's annoying. I'm unable/unwilling to change my signature as I wont be able to add a quote. The old system was awesome but some people abused it.

Actually getting Prime is an awesome thing,you'll get custom user title,and you'll be able to add Pictures to your signature.
Whats that Prime youre talking about Unclean? O_o I am lost
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black