Original Post
(fighters) ninja fighters
Hi and welcome to ninja fighters blue is the lowest belt we have but if your lower and a pro I will let you in but you have to be good.

backstory: long ago there was a magic orb this orb was so powerful it could kill every living thing ninjas and fighters protected it and one day the orb was stolen so quick help us get it back:

hope you like the backstory

1: follow the rules
2: war with permission
3: be nice to all members
4: be a badass

NEWS: WE ARE ADDING A BANK!! please donate for the tc

ART: we need some art for the clan pls make some art thank you
Last edited by KilerStorm; Apr 2, 2016 at 10:44 AM.
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
General Clan Related Rules:
  1. Any clan that is made without having the prerequisites that are specified further down in the post (within 7 days of its creation) will have their DSC closed & the poster will be infracted.


Every clan's first post must be fully complete within 7 days. A complete first post has:

  1. A clan story or description.
  2. A member-list.
  3. Aims, goals, and inner-clan guidelines
  4. If you have a clan bank you must state all users that have access to the account and also state who can access the account as well as the account's name. If you don't have a bank then you may ignore this rule.

You have until the 18th
You have been marked for death. Good luck coping with that bomb threat from one of those pesky staff people. You have my condolences.