Original Post
[Auction] Crysis Set

I'm auctioning the Crysis set the Nasuke made, Nasuke allowed me to auction it, he even volunteered to edit the trails and ground texture to have your name

Starting Bid:
40,000 ToriCredits (C'mon man, it's Crysis)
Minimum Raise: 2,000 ToriCredits
Buyout: 130,000 ToriCredits (Are you seriously asking that question?)

Current bid: 50,000 ToriCredits by Viris_Laborer

Bidding will end in either: October 24, Bought out, or when I want it to end

Now start bidding
Last edited by EchoMarine; Oct 15, 2008 at 09:05 PM.
Just to advertise my head animation shop the buyer of the set gets a free animation. Here's a quality example, any movement can be done except explosions desitegrations etc.
Last edited by Nasuke; Oct 15, 2008 at 04:15 PM.
LOL I just have to say. This is an auction,not a freakin' gay market. Go sell your useless account elsewhere,perhaps to some gaming hookers.

Nice set Nasuke.