Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Even if...
Even if it looks cool, its not especially hard to do. So I would give it a 10/10. But more like... 7/10 for the originality. Btw, get on msn plox.
Originally Posted by Alphons View Post
Even if it looks cool, its not especially hard to do. So I would give it a 10/10. But more like... 7/10 for the originality. Btw, get on msn plox.

Your MOTHER is not especially hard to do.

Also, I'm on MSN. Just talk to me.

(PS: For the record, I had to edit it a zillion times because my head kept falling off, or because my arms broke, or because he kinda just fell over because of the gravity. So yeah, it might be easy...if you eliminate the fact that it takes a long time to pull off.)
Originally Posted by Danvari View Post
CMon you should just off the dismemberment O_o

Now that wouldn't be very challenging, would it? ;)
Originally Posted by CMon View Post
Now that wouldn't be very challenging, would it? ;)

Naaw it wouldn't be. It would be stupid somehow. Why you need to edit like zillion times to make it perfect. You did it so perfect that nobody saw a mistake.

My dis off = Your trying hard for hours editing zillion times and it looks like dis off :P
Originally Posted by Danvari View Post
Naaw it wouldn't be. It would be stupid somehow. Why you need to edit like zillion times to make it perfect. You did it so perfect that nobody saw a mistake.

My dis off = Your trying hard for hours editing zillion times and it looks like dis off :P

Lul..."hours" is probably an overstatement ^^
Well that were nice push-ups and I think i will make "mine" version of it. Also I pwned CMon :P. What gravity did you had? 0 0 -150?
Originally Posted by Alphons View Post
Even if it looks cool, its not especially hard to do. So I wouldn't give it a 10/10. But more like... 7/10 for the originality. Btw, get on msn plox.

Edit: Really big spelling error.