Original Post
Future Job
What would you like to be when you're older? If you already have a job then keep at it!

I'd love to be a Soccer Player or a rapper.

I've met a few soccer players including Stephan Mauk who plays for Adelaide United. He's friends with my uncle.

Id also love to be a rapper. Yeah sure, people say stuff like "Dude you can't listen to that sort of stuff." I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing, guys. Eminem is my personal fav. Not only because he's a fast rapper, but also because he never uses racial slurs.

So, what would you like to be when you're older?
Last edited by Arctic; Apr 23, 2016 at 06:32 PM. Reason: why do you need to exemplify a racial slur
<ZENBOY123> "Skip"
<SkipBySkip> "Shit, what have I done now?
Hey guys, all three of the posts made here were deleted so far. Please remember to abide by the rules so this can stop happening.

Last edited by Link; Apr 24, 2016 at 11:15 PM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Good luck, Skip. Newbie rappers tend to get a lot of hate though because a lot of them tend to just make a fool of themselves.

As for soccer, I've taken interest in this sport. But in my native country, boxing and basketball are what we're passionate about. I haven't done either in a long time so I kinda felt disgraced about myself and stopped doing sports altogether, but I did want to be a pro athlete at one point. I always looked up to Manny Pacquiao and Kobe Bryant. It's highly unlikely now for me to be like one of those guys.

Anyway, I want to be a musician myself. Hopefully, a guitarist or a singer, but I don't really mind as long as I'm making music. I've pretty much been surrounded by music and it made a huge impact in my life. I'm actually learning guitar right now and I just do singing on the side because I get discouraged about singing real easily. That's why I make fun of a certain someone a lot.

If that doesn't work out, I was thinking about becoming an electric engineer. Maybe even a computer programmer. That's always been my backup since getting in the music industry isn't exactly easy.

So yeah, that's pretty much what this loser won't become. Anyway, I'll say this again: good luck.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I'm currently assistant manager at a cinema, when I have enough funds built on i'll most likely try to go work in the oil fields, hard to do so with oil so low in price right now.
+SparChar Oh cool dude! And thanks for the Good Luck! I've done rapping for a while but I didn't take it seriously so I wanna try to start up a personal youtube account (I already have one but eh) of me rapping some songs and crap...

About sports, don't give up! Even though you basically already have but it's your life not mine Good luck to you as well
+Worm Assistant Manager eh? That's cool aha! How long have you worked there for?
Last edited by SkipBySkip; Apr 25, 2016 at 02:55 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<ZENBOY123> "Skip"
<SkipBySkip> "Shit, what have I done now?
Always thought a job in Wildlife and Fisheries would be fun, though I've also recently thought about becoming some type of psychologist.
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I want to be Marketing Executive for a big shoe company or something like that. I also enjoy website design and graphic designing cuz they are cool and profitable. I used to dream about marine biology due to the ocean being so foreign to us. So much is to be explored. Or maybe architecture so I can make weird azz houses.
for now ( not totally decided yet ) i would like either going for graphisme or 2D/3D animation. those are the choice i'm interested as for now and i'm slowly planning to go do my education for them.
no u

I'd like to do architecture, engineering, or perhaps be a surgeon. Oh! If that doesn't work, I'll just sell my toes and my right kidney on the black market

Anyone here into sound design?
(Leash)ApatheticP: plz dont use me
(Leash)KaZyDog: I only use attractive ppl dont worry about it