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How do you handle stress?
I'm asking this because of a moment when I was in an empty duel server about 2 years ago and hampa entered and said, "Play for your freedom". the reason I was banned for the reason shjz all the time a while back. Anyways I was frantically clicking my joints, made a lot of mistakes and lost.

So how do you handle/cope with stressful situations or what is your most stressful situation you've been in?
Last edited by tcmogul; May 15, 2016 at 07:17 AM.
I've almost gone to jail on a handful of occasions. Those events were rather stressful.
The best part is, the reason as to why I almost went to jail is also how I cope with stress.
ima speak for every man ever


while that's mostly true,(hahaha)

I usually play games

my life is very stressful so I spend the majority of my day sitting at a computer with loud music playing games <.>
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
when Im stressed I usually just listen to some music and chill, like sleeping or whatever

I usually listen to my spotify playlist, whatever floats your boat really
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
when Im stressed I usually just listen to some music and chill, like sleeping or whatever

I usually listen to my spotify playlist, whatever floats your boat really

I do the same thing but youtube and search inspiration music also listen to nf that relates to what i experience which calms me down.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
I go outside and run until I can't run no more. Helps me with CC anyways. I play games. What helps me is sleeping also.
When I get stressful I usually just play games, listen to music, or just try to take a nap and attempt to stop thinking. It depends on the situation though...
Modo Bestia
I usually look up meditation music on youtube and sit in silence, it takes you away from your current situation and kinda clears your thoughts, or i'll listen to music that takes me out of the mood.