Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Good striking demo?
Trying to explain to a friend different styles of fighting in abd/aikido/greykido/etc.

I have 2 good grappling demos and a good mixing one but I am trash at striking and wondered if anyone here has a good replay to show off how striking works at its best.


also here are my replays for grappling and mixing:
Attached Files
demo - grappling.rpl (82.7 KB, 8 views)
demo - grappling - 2.rpl (44.1 KB, 6 views)
demo - mixing.rpl (62.9 KB, 8 views)
Abd/aikido/greykido are all grappling mods. Striking doesn't really work in these mods due to the fact that there's grab and a high DM threshold. So I don't think anyone's gonna have any replays of striking in ABD.
previously known as Lopsin
Please keep multiplayer replays within the multiplayer replay board. I've moved your thread for you this time.

Originally Posted by Lopsin View Post
Abd/aikido/greykido are all grappling mods. Striking doesn't really work in these mods due to the fact that there's grab and a high DM threshold. So I don't think anyone's gonna have any replays of striking in ABD.

Oh you silly rabbit you..

High DM just means the strikes have to be more skillfully executed. Striking is always a valid strategy in aikido mods but its a tactical choice.
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists