Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Quick game question.
ok well i have a question and i really don't know where to put it so seeing how it deals with the game ill put it here.

So my question does the game "punish" its players with belt reductions for inactivity? by dropping them ranks and such.
no there is no 'punishment', but if you mean to ask that why did your belt drop is because there is a qi glitch that happend i think when 3.5 came out, im not too sure tho, hopefully they will restore the belts to the way they were ;)
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
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Ranks vary depending on your wins/losses during the day before. If you haven't played the day before, your rank will drop amongst the ranks of other non-active members. As for belt, it stays the same.
well im not talking about the ranks i know about that but i was just talking about the belts, so there was another qi glitch when the updated to 3.5? that seems to happen alot