Original Post
mMm_headshot smiles
well i haven't had my computer for a while so I d/l TB to my mac. Had no end of troubles, but I ended up with a few replays that I will share. The style is a bit less... hmm. holistic? because with a touchpad it simply takes ages to clickityclick .

4, selected from 14. please accept my apologies for the strange names and missing ID. I lost at least half the replays i tried to make on the mac, so I was afraid to touch these up even a bit.

my notes:
1. jump is interesting. kicks are crap. slow and anti-climatic: 4/10.
2. the balance is decent, but this replay simply lacks energy. "um... impressive i guess... *yawns*" 4.5/10
3. semi-creative, but overly simple. would be better if it were fluid/faster, and perhaps continued with a few more breaks. kinda like the end tho. 4.5/10
4. been done, and done better. 3 + 1 for the okay ending. 4/10
Attached Files
000mMm_control.rpl (135.9 KB, 34 views)
000mMm_witchkick.rpl (63.7 KB, 30 views)
000mMm_headshotsmiles.rpl (99.9 KB, 31 views)
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
000mMm_flip for me, kicks for you : Although i tend to frown at symetrical movement, i like this replay...the second flip is bloody fast and the kicks are decent as well.

000mMm_control : Thats some control alright, love the "I think i'm going to bed" opener buildup thingie, what i like even more is the follow up and the accuracy in your kick. There is no need for power if you know how to knock uke's parts off.

000mMm_witchkick : Not all that great. Its a nice decap but nothing more imo. I agree with your rating :P ( btw i had to giggle at your own ratings
^^ )

000mMm_headshotsmiles : Get em jewels and kick him whilst turning, i like it !

these are definately better than the last bunch you posted ( at least in my noobie opinion they are... )

*waits for more *
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
Nice replays .

I enjoyed the 1st and last, the middle two were, Meh.

Overall : 7.5/10 :P
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
I have to say the last two were by far my favorite of the batch. The first two, imo, were a little to stiff and symmetrical. However the momentum you gain in the first replay is damn impressive. The later two though, I felt were more in tune with a really cool replay.

1-2 = 7/10
3-4 = 8/10
Organisation of Awesome: Member.