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[VID] Team Unity: Remastered

Decided to revive the slowly dying team unity, by recruiting some new members and adopting a new rival team, team kinetic. Expect some fresh content from the team every other week. Hope you enjoy the video!

Replays by Matarika, Dobby, T0RI0BABY, Kouta, Victor4554 and Demini.


Team HQ:

Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
this looks as if it was thrown together within a matter of a few seconds
no transitions, horrid cc if none at all
bad music to fit uninteresting and overused clips
can't figure out why you flashed a bunch of names on the screen like it was some kind of movie cast

all in all this is the shit that everyone hates
this wasn't an edit, it was a series of bad pans and follows
learn to make something good please before you call something "remastered"
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Alright where do i begin with this..

ake something good please before you call something "remastered"

1. *Cough* "The Remastered" was referring to the team because i remade the team....not the quality of the video.

this wasn't an edit

2. This was mainly to show off the replays, not make something really highly edited well. Similar to the Ninja warrior videos with Mocu? The purpose was the content of the video, not the way its presented. Hence me saying "
expect fresh content- Matarika"

- from the team and no where is it mentioned this is an edit. lol

all in all this is the shit that everyone hates

3. Speak for yourself "All the shit you hate" you mean? Yeah there's a few whiny people, but "everyone" is a bold statement you have no way of backing up

can't figure out why you flashed a bunch of names on the screen like it was some kind of movie cast

4. Its my team's promo video, It simply was to serve the purpose of informing who's in the team... i might do a couple character 360's in later videos..and this video is in the style of a trailer or "cinematic movie"

bad music to fit uninteresting and overused clips

5. this is in no way CNC and doesn't belong here, it's opinionated and in no way helps me. Plus these are new replays i got from my team, only this week, so what do you mean "over used" lol And these are few of the best parkourists in toribash i've ever known or seen around, minus Xlr84life (yeah their a little rusty from lack of practice), so *cough* Uninteresting? Do you just not like parkour?

this looks as if it was thrown together within a matter of a few seconds

6. Because it was.

no transitions, horrid cc if none at all

7. Return back to number 2 above ^ Plz.

Conclusion: This is was an intentional and blatant misunderstanding of the purpose of this video, mixed with unhelpful and rather just opinionated hate ranting lol
Last edited by matarika; Jun 15, 2016 at 04:53 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
xd lol why post a video with snippets of replays when you can post the whole thing on the replay board!!!!!
they would love it !!!!

the purpose of this video is nothing
there's no reason to post this video whatsoever, especially if it's just to show off replays that a whole other section of the forums is used for
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Because as this video is targeted toward the audience interested in the replays. Believe it or not, there are people in the community who regularly come here enjoy the editing of my video, most of them comment on youtube instead because everyone knows most of the CNC community now a days is cancer on the forums and many video makers leave Tbash Video making because of it. But the ones who don't watch the youtube one, watch them on the for the editing. Just because you can't find purpose, doesn't mean there isn't one lol I really didn't ask you to find purpose

So techinically i could post it here or there. and I chose here. Because rarely do people go to the replay threads to find videos. So i can kill two birds with one stone here, because replay makers do watch the video threads alot.

Making this the optimal spot to appeal to both audiences
Last edited by matarika; Jun 15, 2016 at 04:59 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
To clarify and keep me from closing this:
What are you asking for criticism on? If not the video, rather the replays, the replays board is just for that. If not for the replays, and just so you can get views, it belongs in entertainment/media

the point of having a thread here is to comment directly on the production of a video. the replays aren't art, we don't care about the replays.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I mean you can't criticize a movie without the things like the acting and the actors and what goes in in the movie.

So i believe the replays play an important roll in the emotion, mood and feel of the video as a whole. It's part of the visuals.

as far as what im looking for criticism on, is not the replays and their skill level or strictly the things like transitions and cc and etc. but rather how the movements of the tori and the camera throughout the space create/set a mood and tone and whether that tone or mood was successfully achieved.

for example.

A scene where a guy is getting punched.

I don't want CNC on how good the punch was like technique

and i don't want CNC on the color, cc, and effects that happen on screen with the punch.

I want CNC on how the punch was portrayed and shown and if it contributes to the feel/mood and tone the scene is going for. Like a totally serious scene can be ruined by a silly looking punch.

but its not silly because of the technique or the colors and CC, but rather how it was shown, the timing, the build up of mood.
Last edited by matarika; Jun 15, 2016 at 05:42 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Editing sets the whole mood, not the replays. You have no CC, awful velocity per usual, and your camera work isn't great to showcase replays (see: camera leaving the tori at :30)

Take a look at this, and look how soft everything is. It matches the quiet sound of the ambiance and the voice. The camerawork is almost still with very slow movements if there is any at all. No awful text popping up showing the actors during the scenes.

The whole "epic trailer" kind of deal is all you ever do, and for some reason it is never good. Try something else.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

and what about the people who want to see my signature style from me? (Yeah yeah you can argue the same overused arguement that it's not signature if it was "copied" from mocucha, but really its more of an inspiration. I never really intended on copying him he was just another fellow video maker that made videos like i wanted to coming into the community, he just did it first.) any way what about the audience who loves that style i do?, a continuation of the years of entertainment watching Mocucha's videos, he's not around as much anymore but he's an example of how someone who doesn't use alot of editing can still make an enjoyable video, good replays or not, he often used the cinematic style of editing as well. If it were a problem amongst my audience getting tired of the style of the content, i'd change it for them, but it appears my audience enjoys the work I do, so is it not my job to keep giving them enjoyable content?

I mean yeah changing up the style would get more of an audience, and that is the goal of a video maker

but when I do more types of conceptual videos that turn out to be a success such as Wrath of Uke, that draws an even larger crowd in. so there is no need to change my style. I enjoy making videos like that, my viewers enjoy when i make videos like this, so why not continue? Just because a select few are getting tired of it?

the point i'm attempting to make is, the video-maker, you select few, (and you know who you are), want me to become is not the videomaker i want to become, it doesn't become fun anymore for me.

I love to hear from the community and what paths they lay out for me CNC wise to become "better" but it will always be a path I can choose to go down or choose not to go down and if it affects my artistic vision negatively and the most important part of any art...having fun. Then I might not choose to do it, but thats no reason to get fustrated or annoyed with me. Because it comes out in the CNC sometimes harming the constructiveness.

i believe video doesn't have to have good transitions, cc, velo, or music etc. etc. to be a good video.
Looks aren't everything, a lot of the old crappy montages are still enjoyable in my opinion, and they suck at all or most of those.

I'm in film school, i'm majoring in editing, i've learned a lot, skills i could apply to Toribash, but it's just a game, i'm not going try hard, i save that for my live action films. Toribash will always be a game, meant for fun and enjoyment, and what i do now, and how i do it, it's enjoyable.
Last edited by matarika; Jun 15, 2016 at 06:53 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Originally Posted by matarika View Post
and what about the people who want to see my signature style from me? The audience who loves that style i do? If it were a problem amongst my audience getting tired of the style of the content, i'd change it for them, but it appears my audience enjoys the work I do, so is it not my job to keep giving them enjoyable content?

I mean yeah changing up the style would get more of an audience, and that is the goal of a video maker

but when I do more types of conceptual videos that turn out to be a success such as Wrath of Uke, that draws an even larger crowd in. so there is no need to change my style. I enjoy making videos like that, my viewers enjoy when i make videos like this, so why not continue? Just because a select few are getting tired of it?

then put it in the entertainment and media, or keep it off the art section

The art section is for original work with countless new efforts to push how editing tb can be(sometimes,) I don't really think it's a place for you to update your "viewer's" on the next showcase of replays.

That's what it really comes down to, people with your style prefer to not put more work in to try and go above and beyond, but instead something that might get views from people that don't really care and will forget about it immediately after

We will criticize all aspects of your video, as long as we have the ability to comment on said video. You're better off going to another website to read about how films are put together or all the aspects of that style if you're going to go for that style of content, because what this place is for is very nit picky analyzes of videos from a bunch of retards like me.

If you don't want to read them, you're better off posting them somewhere else because you're obviously looking for nice comments or new fans or whatever

Edit: Side note, I firmly believe that the only reason mocucha's videos were praised were for the replays. His editing was verryyy sub-par and not very unique. I wrote a long post about one of his last videos here: . I don't want this style of videos to drop off or for you to stop making them, I just want them to stop looking like trash. Toribash is a game with characters with janky as fuck movements. Add that to poorly edited content and you got an hour of I want to kill myself.
Last edited by cat; Jun 15, 2016 at 06:58 AM.