Original Post
Gargoyle Challenge
Alright Toribashers, I've got something for you to try.

Take your best or favorite Wushu opener, and right after the first turn, hit C and go solid for the second turn. On the third turn, continue, and see what you can come up with.

This isn't for prizes, just for fun. I'd like to see what you can come up with.

Example below.

Edit: Heh, added the original opener.
Attached Files
Gargoyle Example.rpl (32.9 KB, 18 views)
Wushu - PunchPunchKick2.rpl (30.3 KB, 12 views)
Last edited by Argentum; Oct 23, 2008 at 05:02 AM.
u wan fite bruv ill mash yer fokn ead in sware on me mum
Admins, please move this to the "Events" thread. At first I wasn't sure, because there was no prizes involved, but that's probably where this belongs anyway. Also, if you don't mind, delete this post.

Last edited by Argentum; Oct 23, 2008 at 08:01 PM.
u wan fite bruv ill mash yer fokn ead in sware on me mum

Refer to above post please.

Also, my apologies about the double post.
u wan fite bruv ill mash yer fokn ead in sware on me mum