Original Post
(Cursed) Recruitment
When applying, make sure to make an authentic application. Lazy applications will be ignored so please make it look like you genuinely want to join the clan.

Do a freeform application in which you include the following things:

1. Name, age, gmt, and tell us about yourself.

2. Forum and in-game activity.

3. Why you want to join the clan, and what you can contribute to the clan.

4. Skype/steam/whatever you use.

5. Favorite mods.

6. No alts/smurfs allowed.

7. Make sure to say "I wish to be one of the Cursed" at the bottom of the application. This is to make sure you are paying attention. If you forget this, you will automatically be denied.

It also helps if we meet you in-game, so come find us. Sometimes, you can find us in the "Cursed Recruitment" lobby. Hope to see you in-game, and good luck, welcome to Cursed.

As you can see, this is the Cursed Recruitment Thread. Also, for anyone who is wondering, art will be added eventually and this will be modified to look better in the future. If anyone does art, contact MrMiyagy because he is the Cursed Maintenance Leader. Thank you.
Btw I am a youtuber/livestreamer and im currently getting a new channel and a new mic. Ive been youtubing for 4-5 years.
(channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_T...FrampaQPnAgeCA
Twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/viperouzz/profile)

. Name, age, gmt, and tell us about yourself.

gmt vipercat. my name is viper ;). age 13. I love akido but im good at most hand to hand combat based mods. also I have a win ratio of 40% but dont let that fool you in akido ill go 12 and 0. also I like cats.

2. Forum and in-game activity.

I play in game between 2hours-16hours a day. im active on forums most of that time

3. Why you want to join the clan, and what you can contribute to the clan.

I like the name and you are good players. I like the fact that your clan is easy to figure out.

4. Skype/steam/whatever you use.

Skype- viperous65

[email protected]


Discord-Cursed vipercat

5. Favorite mods.
6. No alts/smurfs allowed.

i have no alts.

"I wish to be one of the Cursed"
Alright, I like the application Vipercat, I would love to see you in the game a bit, I will make you a trial, have to accept invite though. ;)
~IGN: ERants

~IRL: Evan

~GMT: Eastern Standard

~Misc: Im a 14 year old male who loves adventure and is very creative. I love being part of a community as well as building bonds with friends, team mates, and even friendly rivals.

~Game Activity: Because it is summer, I am able to play once or twice a day, for one or two hours at a time.

~Forum Activity: I am not on the forums as much as I like to be, but I do try to visit the forums every day or every other day. (I can improve if needed)

~Reason for Joining: I love being a part of something and helping to develop and grow a community. I feel that I would be beneficial for the clan because I am an active and loyal member who is getting better by the day.

~Skype: I almost always have Skype open and I can call as well as type fast. Username: rants2336

~Mods: I have always enjoyed aikido, but I recently took an interest in Judo. I am good at both. I am best at the mod Greykido due to the fact that I am skilled in recovering from dangerous situations and I can easily turn a match around.

I wish to be one of the cursed, forever and always...ERants
Last edited by ERants; Jul 1, 2016 at 02:31 AM. Reason: Typo
Aye ERants, i like your application man. I see you are a blue belt, but we have no restrictions on who can join based on belt, so welcome to Cursed. I'll invite you and put you in Trials, but i'd like to meet you in-game sometime. Feel free to pm me anytime ^_^
-Name- Nate
-Name In Game- Spixe
-GMT- -4 UTC
-Forum Activity (out of ten)- 7/10
-In Game Activity (out of ten)- 10/10
-Why I would like to join (Cursed)- I want to join (Cursed) because it has some of the nicest people in it I would also like a community to interact with and enjoy the game with.
-What can I bring to (Cursed)- What I can bring to (Cursed) is my activity, my skill, my respect, and my intentions to always get and be better at Toribash.
-Steam- Spixxe
-Favorite mods- My favorite mods include ABD, xspar, erthTk, and mushu.
-Alt- Well I am not an alt I am a comeback as I've been told by Paradis3, I lost my password to my other account which is an orange belt but that was mainly because I'm more of a replay maker.
-Quote- "I wish to be on of the Cursed"
Btw I have been hanging out with Paradis3 and Fluffy turd
Originally Posted by Spixe View Post
-Name- Nate
-Name In Game- Spixe
-GMT- -4 UTC
-Forum Activity (out of ten)- 7/10
-In Game Activity (out of ten)- 10/10
-Why I would like to join (Cursed)- I want to join (Cursed) because it has some of the nicest people in it I would also like a community to interact with and enjoy the game with.
-What can I bring to (Cursed)- What I can bring to (Cursed) is my activity, my skill, my respect, and my intentions to always get and be better at Toribash.
-Steam- Spixxe
-Favorite mods- My favorite mods include ABD, xspar, erthTk, and mushu.
-Alt- Well I am not an alt I am a comeback as I've been told by Paradis3, I lost my password to my other account which is an orange belt but that was mainly because I'm more of a replay maker.
-Quote- "I wish to be on of the Cursed"
Btw I have been hanging out with Paradis3 and Fluffy turd

Okay I trust you, I like that you said everything needed. You definitely read it all. Well I will invite you and make you trial, we will test you in due time. To see if we will keep you or not. Good luck! ^_^
Please say thanks on the clan thread, not the recruitment, also, don't make posts under 7 words, so it is not viewed as spam.