Original Post
I can't get my items out of the trade center
Yup, i cant get my items out.... or im to stupid to find out how.... under the items that our in there theres no button that says take out or anything like that.... i tryed going to the toriexchange it said i had nothing in there.... helpz?
i cant activate cause it says its in trade center when u cant see it in the trade center, therefore, i cant get it out of the trade center.
Lol, little tired.
Go there, and transfer an item from your portofilio to your inventory.

Also, they removed the Trade Center.. so contact an administrator.If the above doesn't work.
This is due to the Trade Center being removed, and you still having your items in there when it was removed.

Mail [email protected] and ask someone to remove your items from the Center. If they can.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Originally Posted by UncleanSp View Post
Lol, little tired.
Go there, and transfer an item from your portofilio to your inventory.

Also, they removed the Trade Center.. so contact an administrator.If the above doesn't work.

tried it stuff wasnt there.

yes thats it 3vi1. ty ty
my acid relax, aqua force, marine left and right leg trail, marine secondary, monk icon, and radioactive left hand trail are all stuck in the old trade center.

can anyone help?
Originally Posted by 3vi1 View Post
This is due to the Trade Center being removed, and you still having your items in there when it was removed.

Mail [email protected] and ask someone to remove your items from the Center. If they can.

^ As he said.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you