Original Post
(Rebels) Recruitment!

So you want to join rebels huh? Well its not gonna be easy. you gotta show how much of a rebel you are.

To apply just write a free form application telling us about your self. make sure to give examples on how much of a rebel you are.

Good luck
Last edited by Mythology; Aug 17, 2016 at 10:32 PM.
(r) Application

About Me

My name is Nathan, 16 years old and i am from Brasil. I live in a little island called Vitória, what is the captal of the state Espirito Santo. Actually here is a pretty dangerous place to live because shots, drugs, dank people, etc but here i have some friends who makes me forget all the problems what this city have.
At the most of time i am very calm, and i disapprove any type of rudeness. sometimes people understand me wrong, annoying and rude way and I'm sad about it because i'm not. This happens because in-chat you don't know the tone of voice i am using and this is totally normal, but i got in trouble a lot of times because that and i have a bad rep because that. Most of time i like to be serious, but it really depends of who is around me.. also i am not sooo funny. I am pretty curious, and i love to help anyone with anything and get involved in any subject, but I respect the space of each other.
I love games, but actually i haven't a good PC so i just play Toribash, but i am fine because i consider Toribash the best game, always for me.
My hobbies are play Toribash, check the forums and tricking.


I play Toribash since 2012 but during 2012-2015 I did not know that there was a forum. I forgot my ACC and decided to create another one, and was what i did. I played white-brown belt without the forum, but i accidentally discovered by typing Toribash on Google and After that i got a new vision of this game and i liked it a lot more. I checked the forums a bit more and discovered the clans. I applied to WAPOW and Infinity but i got denied because i was a begginer. I decided to improve a bit and i applied to Martial Arts Uncontested, and got accepted. I was very well recived and a lot of players helped me to improve and I was introduced to spar, and i loved and love it because was a new way to play and have a high realism level. In (MAU) i met victortb and he introduced me to madmans... i loved it and i decided to improve my skills in that. I became a decent madmaker but i got tired of it recently and started to play only realism things, like tricking, spar and parkour. I am getting good at this and i need to give credits to Victor4554, T0RI0BABY, MrJingles, victortb and Onsola for helping me so much with tips, examples, and the most important of all, the friendship.
I'll be clear: I've done some stupid things , but ... who never did anything like that ? and I always try to be better than I was yesterday.
Past clans: [MAU] and [h].

Why Rebels?

This clan don't showed anything for now, but i hope this will be a nice place. Also i like to be involved with clans what are starting too, and it will be a challenge.

What I Offer to Rebels

It's a default: respect, friendship and collaboration.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
(r) Application

About Me

My name is Nathan, 16 years old and i am from Brasil. I live in a little island called Vitória, what is the captal of the state Espirito Santo. Actually here is a pretty dangerous place to live because shots, drugs, dank people, etc but here i have some friends who makes me forget all the problems what this city have.
At the most of time i am very calm, and i disapprove any type of rudeness. sometimes people understand me wrong, annoying and rude way and I'm sad about it because i'm not. This happens because in-chat you don't know the tone of voice i am using and this is totally normal, but i got in trouble a lot of times because that and i have a bad rep because that. Most of time i like to be serious, but it really depends of who is around me.. also i am not sooo funny. I am pretty curious, and i love to help anyone with anything and get involved in any subject, but I respect the space of each other.
I love games, but actually i haven't a good PC so i just play Toribash, but i am fine because i consider Toribash the best game, always for me.
My hobbies are play Toribash, check the forums and tricking.


I play Toribash since 2012 but during 2012-2015 I did not know that there was a forum. I forgot my ACC and decided to create another one, and was what i did. I played white-brown belt without the forum, but i accidentally discovered by typing Toribash on Google and After that i got a new vision of this game and i liked it a lot more. I checked the forums a bit more and discovered the clans. I applied to WAPOW and Infinity but i got denied because i was a begginer. I decided to improve a bit and i applied to Martial Arts Uncontested, and got accepted. I was very well recived and a lot of players helped me to improve and I was introduced to spar, and i loved and love it because was a new way to play and have a high realism level. In (MAU) i met victortb and he introduced me to madmans... i loved it and i decided to improve my skills in that. I became a decent madmaker but i got tired of it recently and started to play only realism things, like tricking, spar and parkour. I am getting good at this and i need to give credits to Victor4554, T0RI0BABY, MrJingles, victortb and Onsola for helping me so much with tips, examples, and the most important of all, the friendship.
I'll be clear: I've done some stupid things , but ... who never did anything like that ? and I always try to be better than I was yesterday.
Past clans: [MAU] and [h].

Why Rebels?

This clan don't showed anything for now, but i hope this will be a nice place. Also i like to be involved with clans what are starting too, and it will be a challenge.

What I Offer to Rebels

It's a default: respect, friendship and collaboration

thank you. being discussed
Arakata Accepted
Last edited by Mythology; Aug 17, 2016 at 09:22 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump