Original Post
(Ex)Execution's Application Headquarter!

If you want to be a Member of EXECUTION!!!, you can apply here!

You can write a free-form Application in this Thread.

However Information that would be good to have are:
-What your Age is
-If this is youre only Account
-In what times you had been In-Active
-How Forum Active you are
-How Ingame Active you are
-What youre mainly doing in Toribash
-Youre Favourite Mods
-Your Timezone
-Why you want to join this Clan
-What Clans you've been in previously
-If you had been banned

It would be good to get to know you a bit better, this will highly increase your Chances of getting accepted into the Clan. To do so you can meet us Ingame or you can hang-out with us in our Discord!

To know that you had been reading through this Thread write EXECUTION!! at the end of your App.

This Thread is not for voting! If an Application we got is considerable, we will discuss it in our Discord Application Channel !

You can find our Discord here.
Last edited by Fluxorious; Sep 5, 2016 at 08:27 PM.
Hi ! I'm mama22lr
I'm 13 yo.
I just have this account
I've been inactive like 5 months
I'm not really active on the forum.
I'm active in game
I like Aikido and ABD more than other mods
I can play all days at 16h30 (French hour)
I want to join the clan cause I like it and I want to join a clan !
I have been in Cyanide and another (dont understand the name :c)
And I never been banned !
Thank you for reading my free-form ! ( and sry for my bad English, i'm french )
Both aren't really what i call a Free Form Application. They were just straight answers to the Information given.


For mama22lr:


For Crow:


I would like to see both of you in our Discord. Welcome!
Last edited by Fluxorious; Sep 8, 2016 at 07:34 PM.
hi my name is SwagKingDM.
i am 14 years old.
this is my first account.
i am inactive in at 7:30-3:05 and then i play and check out the fourms for the rest of the day.
im doring toribash as a hobby of sort and for fun.
my favirote mods a mushu,wushu,and lushu
easter time zone.
i want to join this clan for respect in my comunity and to better my skillz.
i have never been in a clan so this will be a good experince for me.
i have never banned.