Original Post
(AOG) The Aogiri Tree
Please if you are looking to join just answer these questions in your application and try not to make it too lengthy. Thanks! (One with an asterisk "*" and in red text are required, rest green ones optional. [The blue ones are not necessary, but we would like to know, if question before applies to your application.])

What is you age?

What is your gender?

What is your name?
(Do you like to be called by a nickname?)

What is reason you want to join?*

Do you have an alt?*

Have you been banned?*
(If so why have you been banned?*)

How often do you play?*

What mods do you play?

Do you have Skype?*

Do you have Discord?*

Do you have Steam?*

Do you have TeamSpeak3?*

How will you help this clan?*

How did you find out about this clan?*

How often do you use forums?*

What is your clan history?*
(Clan name and rank that you were in the clan. Answer what you can remember please.)

Do you want to be tested?*
(If not, send us 2-3 of your best replays of you in action!)
:o I love it, We really need a clan artist though. Need

<[elite]Kozmonaut> I fucked myself
<(AOG)Darkhorsepyro>You ever had peanutbutter and coolwhip sandwiches?
<[elite]Kosmonaut> Bent my dick and fucked myself
What is you age?
just turned 13
What is your gender?
im a dude
What is your name?
My dudes and dudettes call me DDoS

What is reason you want to join?*
I want to
Do you have an alt?*
Yeah, it's DDos now that its been permabanned, this is my main
Have you been banned?*
(If so why have you been banned?*)
DDoS'ing servers :^u
How often do you play?*
very often
What mods do you play?
anything official and boxshumushu
Do you have Skype?*
Do you have Discord?*
Do you have Steam?*
Do you have TeamSpeak3?*
How will you help this clan?*
How did you find out about this clan?*
idk, i just saw it
How often do you use forums?*
very, since wibbles is a thing now
What is your clan history?*
(Clan name and rank that you were in the clan. Answer what you can remember please.)
quite a few, Notably TGS, elite, NO, Alpha, and a few others
Do you want to be tested?*
What is you age?
Choose not to answer
What is your gender?
What is your name?
(Do you like to be called by a nickname?)
Nick: breaks. Real Name: choose not to answer
What is reason you want to join?*
Seems like a good clan in general with good people
Do you have an alt?*
Have you been banned?*

Have not been banned
How often do you play?*
Every day, some days i wont (vacation, family, holidays etc)
What mods do you play?
All the normal stuff (boxshu, mushu, akido, judo) sometimes xspar on freeplay
Do you have Skype?*
Yes but i choose to be contacted on discord
Do you have Discord?*
Do you have Steam?*
Do you have TeamSpeak3?*
How will you help this clan?*
Im a good fighter, currently as of writing this im a rank 45 brown belt
How did you find out about this clan?*
I was browsing the clan forums
How often do you use forums?*
Not that much
What is your clan history?*
Have not been in a clan yet

Do you want to be tested?*
No, replays are attached.
Attached Files
UkeNeverGaveMeMoneyBack.rpl (104.4 KB, 7 views)
Mushu_Obliteration_v3.rpl (104.5 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by 137breaks; Nov 3, 2016 at 02:00 AM.
"You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward." - Conrad Hall
Hello (AOG), My name is Giremane I am 13 years old and im a boy, My real name is Nathan but you can call me Nate.
One of the biggest reason's I want to join this clan is because i want to find a better future in toribash.
-I do not own any alts and do not plan on making any alts, I've never been banned at all (im a good boy :>.)
-The past clan i was in was [e] or Electric but i got sick and tired of the members and inactivity,
-I am not very forum active (Sorry! I know this ruins my chances but im trying but i have alot of IRL things to do.) I have a Discord my name on there is Blastoise, I have Steam my name their is also Blastoise.
-I play Toribash almost everyday and i want/will help this clan with wars and events to the best of my capabilities.
-Also I found this clan through my friend MrMiyagy

Mods i play: ABD,Boxshu,Aikido,Mushu.
Last edited by giremane; Nov 4, 2016 at 02:39 AM.
Hm, Nice app 137breaks. Giremane, app could've been better. But i will send both of you invites, you will be trial members for 3 days. If you break any of the rules, and get yourself in trouble within the trial period you will be kicked from the clan. If you are kicked you may apply once more. But you only get two chances to be in AOG. Invites will be sent now. Accept them when you log on or check this recruitment thread.

<[elite]Kozmonaut> I fucked myself
<(AOG)Darkhorsepyro>You ever had peanutbutter and coolwhip sandwiches?
<[elite]Kosmonaut> Bent my dick and fucked myself
What is you age? I am currently 15.

What is your gender? Male.

What is your name? My ign is iRized, my irl name is Jamie.
(Do you like to be called by a nickname?) You can call me either, Jamie or iRized, i don't care at all ;).

What is reason you want to join?* Because i feel like this is a clan with nice members to chat with, also, i would love to help you guys out in wars.

Do you have an alt?* Yes, i made my decision to create a new account which is this one, i gave the items from my main to a friend of mine, and i wanted to have a fresh start, thats why i started a new account ;) (Also, the name of the other account was horrible.)

Have you been banned?* Nope.
(If so why have you been banned?*)

How often do you play?* Honestly, it's on and off, although i am online atleast 5 days a week.

What mods do you play? Aikido, Aikido Big Dojo, Boxshu(Not the best in this ;)) and very rarely---- JUDO!

Do you have Skype?* Ofcourse, discord would be a better option though.

Do you have Discord?* Uhu.

Do you have Steam?* Yeah.

Do you have TeamSpeak3?* Who doesn't these days.

How will you help this clan?* I will help by being active, helping in wars and other things that could be done to help ;).

How did you find out about this clan?* Honestly, i was just browsing the clan section, then i saw this clan and for some reason it stood out.

How often do you use forums?* quite a bit, if you'd like to call it that.

What is your clan history?* No clans.
(Clan name and rank that you were in the clan. Answer what you can remember please.)

Do you want to be tested?* If my replays aren't enough (Not my best plays, but i never save replays ;( ) then sure ;).
Attached Files
Ez rekt.rpl (65.7 KB, 8 views)
Hi how are ya.rpl (57.2 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by iRized; Nov 14, 2016 at 08:59 PM.
I like the app, has all the info we need, I don't like the being an alt, but I guess it happens. I am an alt because my main was hacked so oh well.

Also, the first replay looks to me more like the guy messed up at the end, but a win is a win I suppose.

Second replay, if the guy didn't let go he;d have won, but he did and you capitalized on it, I like that.

It's a yes from me :3
What is your age?
i am 12 years old.
What is your gender?
I am a male.
What is your name?
My name is Robert i would not like to have any nickname but please just call me robo.
What is reason that you want to join?
i just feel like this clan has a bright future and this looks like a good clan and i want to be a part of it.
Do you have an alt?
yes a few but i only use one just to refresh my textures when i change them.
Have you been banned?
Yes but only for like 3 days and it was couple of years ago and i was very immature and talked alot of shit so please forgive me.
How often do you play?
Mainly on a daily basis if if i am feeling toribash and for like a few hours when i do play daily.
what mods do you play?
I play alot and some of them include mushu, abd, aikido, greykido, and more that i cant think of right now.
Do you have skype?
if you want i can download it because i have an account but no not atm.
Do you have discord?
No i do not have discord.
Do you have steam?
yes that's how i play toribash and when i want how i buy tc.
Do you have teamspeak 3?
No i do not have this.
How will you help this clan?
I can help this clan in war if you need and can do alot if you promote me i can do recruitment servers on a daily to weekly basis depending on how often you want me to.
How did you find out about this clan?
I just came across some people who were in it one day and they seemed really chill seemed like fun people to hang out with.
How often do you use forums?
not alot but i can get better and try to do about 10 posts to 15 posts a day maybe.
what is your clan history?
2 of the best clans i was in before were monk and knc the other ones were like demon i think it was dukeL some kind of like it said youtube in abbreviation i think.
Do you want to be tested?
No i will send replays.
and i was eating while posting that so sorry if it's a bit sloppy (sorry for the bad pun)
Attached Files
cool.rpl (90.3 KB, 4 views)
madman hype.rpl (147.7 KB, 3 views)
madman v2.rpl (141.6 KB, 3 views)
madman v3.rpl (260.0 KB, 3 views)
Nice Replay.rpl (69.4 KB, 3 views)
replay making.rpl (120.6 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by RoBoMohawk; Nov 15, 2016 at 07:56 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump