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[im] I am; Looking for new blood!

[im] is Looking for New Blood!

If you didn't know; [im] is a clan of good friends and good experiences (warning, stay away from Nugget). We are a family that likes to have a good laugh and be serious when needed to be. For the most part decisions are made by the Leading 3... and Nugget. The "leading 3" being Wizard, box, and Colors. These decisions are usually laid back. If you could describe [im] in one word it'd be laid-back.

So, this is the clan for you?

If you like the idea of a laid-back clan that's a big family, please proceed, we'd love to have you. But, first some application requirements.

Requirements to Join
1. Be Brown Belt+. We want people that know toribash and the forums, as we expect you to post a ton in our board!
2. Please be mature. If we see you being immature, we wouldn't want you to be in our clan, right? Also: Don't tell us you are mature, SHOW US.
3. Post often. We will be looking at post counts to make sure that you are posting often, and are posting quality instead of shit posts.
4. Don't be an alt! We can't stress this enough. Use your main account when trying to join. If we catch that you are an alt, you will be added to our blacklist! (Alts in our clan must be permitted by leaders)
5. Follow the rules. If you follow the global rules and our clan rules, you're cool. If you don't, you're not. It's that simple.

How do I apply?!?!?

It's quite simple! All you need to do is write a DETAILED free-form application. If you don't know what this is, you shouldn't be here in the first place. We want you to include as much information you see necessary. Of course, filler is not recommended and we don't want to see it. Just don't make your apps 3 sentences. Use your head, dummy.

Our board:


Hi I'm Gabriel Zed (AKA SkullZed). I play Toribash alot and I'm also on the forum alot. I'm a brown belt. My GMT is -5. If I honestly had to rate my ingame and forum activity it'd be a 9/10. I really wanna join [im] becaues I have friends in it (Like KaZy and Hez) and you guys are really good. I stopped playing for a quick minute but I'm back and learning everyday. I play ABD, AIkido and Lenshu3ng. Sometimes I spar/trick but thats only when I'm feeling lucky.
Originally Posted by SkullZed View Post
Hi I'm Gabriel Zed (AKA SkullZed). I play Toribash alot and I'm also on the forum alot. I'm a brown belt. My GMT is -5. If I honestly had to rate my ingame and forum activity it'd be a 9/10. I really wanna join [im] becaues I have friends in it (Like KaZy and Hez) and you guys are really good. I stopped playing for a quick minute but I'm back and learning everyday. I play ABD, AIkido and Lenshu3ng. Sometimes I spar/trick but thats only when I'm feeling lucky.



Hey there im 16tempah, i have been playin tb now for 3 years and used to be in [ascend] back in 2013 i have begun playing again after a long break and am a black belt, i would love to join your clan because i am friends with kazy and have spoken to wizard before, you all seem nice and have a very mature attitude which is what im looking for in a clan. i spend the majority of my time playing abd or mushu, and host bet servers about twice a week. i would love to join and hope to hear from you soon
Just an old black belt from 2013
Hi.My name is Valentine,i'm from Budapest,Hungary.I run on the name of Vic4rious current belt is black,im 26 years old.My toribash experience started around 8 years ago,,i had a big i can win without noobclapping.I like beer,i have a wonderful wife...i'm a cat person...i would like to be part of this clan.=)
Hi, whoever this nice person is that is readon this, my name is Chesea, I am sub-partedly (I have no clue what that means) from Ontario, Canada. I go by the name of Wyhz ingame and only most people on my skype know me as Chelsea, my current belt is Brown (Just got it this morning at 2:43! EEEK!), uhh, im 19 years old..I technically starterd tbash a long time ago, but I quit cuz the account I was on got hacked and then banned FOR hacking, but that was 7 months ago My favorite (I wouldn't say best, cuz im crap at all of them) mods are ABD, Boxshu mushu (I know, a fag move), and xspar (cuz im a tricker and there are no real mods for trickers ) I can contribute to this clan by helping it in wars and letting it grow up on the ranking system in the clan list, and by being a good helper! What can I help with this clan? Silly question I would say, but some people just dont learn, Being a good helper and helping the clan in wars, of course u sly goose!

I really hope I get accepted, and thanks for reading this application for I am, thanks again!