Original Post
(P) Power | Become Powerful

Before applying, make sure you have got everything below:
  • Must have at least 1 year in toribash
  • 2nd Dan Black Belt (If you’re applying with an alt, tell us why cant you apply with your main)
  • Maturity
  • Forum Activity
  • Skype (Optional, but recommended)

Then, it's the next step, the application. We're going to be really honest.
WE DON'T ACCEPT PEOPLE WITH STUPID APPS(Means that if you think you can just get inside the clan posting things like "hey can i join teh clan?" or "my friend is here, can i join?", you won't be just rejected, but KILLED)
If you're rejected anyway, you can try again in the next week.

About the minimum belt, we know it's a little bit... "high". However doesn't mean you have no chances to join. Check the "Game Test Sector" above.

Okay, there's no rule for applications aswell, we want to know.. Who're you? What’s your story in Toribash? What can you do to help the clan? Why do you wanna join? Past clans and why you left them?
The more you add, higher will be your chances!

Example app by Lurk

Some people can be invited, without an app. (Applies for people that got a long outside the clan and we know enough)
Any questions? Feel free to Pm Kratos. (Please don't ask here)

Game Test

Right after your app is accepted, you'll need to pass in the toribash's test.

The Test is really simple, we expect you to be great in Aikidobigdojo.tbm. (Doesn't meant that if you're better at doing replays or playing any other mod, you'll be auto rejected!)

This is how it's happening:

1. After your app is accepted, we will post in this thread. So you'll be able to follow the next step.

2. Whenever we find you ingame, or whenever you find us, we'll proceed to test.

3. You'll be tested in your best mod (And ABD, as most of the players in POWER plays this mod).

4. If you do good in the test, you're accepted.

If you fail in the test, DOESN'T MEAN you're rejected yet. We do consider other talents such as:

  • Art (Textures, Banners/Logos, Videos...)
  • Clan management (We're always accepting creative people, experienced people that knows how to help the clan, people with great suggestions)
  • Gambling (Are you one of those guys who know how to do great events and host nice bet servers? It'll be helpful)
  • Anything else you'd consider as talent.

Trial Period

If your app is accepted. You'll be a trial member. We do have this system, to actually find out if you're ready to stay in power.
To be accepted, there're things that should help you.

1. Be forum active (Game activity helps too)

2. Get involved with the members. (We do have a skype, we're always playing and warring, so we want to know you better and chill, for sure.)

3. If you don't pass the game test, it's still possible to be a full member, but that should be harder.

4. Try not to break rules. (PLEASE!)

Trial period should take around 1 - 3 weeks.

That's it. Easy, right?

Last edited by Kratos; Dec 25, 2016 at 11:50 PM.
Um hey. I'm not a 2nd Dan, and I'm not even gonna say I'm a 10th dan alt. Because I'm neither of those things. My main was landmine55. a 3rd dan. And was banned 2 years ago. So I can't apply with that and wouldn't want to. The account name is dumb asf and the reputation wasn't what I was looking for. Now I'll say I've matured, or maybe it's just that the rest of the community has become less mature. I don't know. But it seems like I've got more respect and people enjoy me more. It is a very pleasant feeling.

Oh, why am I applying...... hmmm..... Well, for starters, you're ranked 12, and 12 is divisible by 2. And I like 2. I have two eyes, two toes, and two lungs. No but really, I remember seeing Kratos in a server, he didn't say much, but he was good, very good, at playing. Can't quite remember whether it was mushu or ABD. No matter what, he's good at the game. That's all that matters to me. Because the clans revolve around the game.

What makes me special? I'm me, everyone's unique and no one can be who I am. I make some kind of art, but it's usually barely more than mediocre. I can make sets, but expect c/p and heavy flyingmonk references. I can bring you my personality and my decent ABD skills.

Other shit you probably won't care about: I'm 5'11 150 pounds, 10th grade, super nerd. I'm really good at turning the screenshot of a tori into a beautiful work of art. And people like those, I guess.

Whatever, If you like me, then toss me a PM telling me the pros and cons of my personality, and I'll absorb yours like that yellow tampon the children call Spongebob.

Later people
When Life Kicks You In The Ass, Wear Padded Pants Next Time. ~Lov3
Anal beads are long-lasting lollipops.

~You were Rejected.
People isn't sure about your app, and we really don't know you enough to make you trial.
A tip i'd give you is to try again in the next week.

Don't post here, any question PM ME!

Hello my name is Dylan (Chara in-game). I'm 14 years old and I'm into fighting, playing video games(Quite obviously I mean I am here), and I enjoy running. I have stopped listening to a specific type of music and enjoy it all on a daily basis now. Some other stuff that I guess is interesting about me is that I type at 154 wpm. I am very good at math, I'm ahead of pretty much everyone in my school. Well, now onto toribash!

I'm mainly interested in Aikido Big Dojo, but I'm also good at Boxshu, Lenshu, (sorta TK), like all of Odlov's mods, I'm half decent at pk, I'm good at ninjutsu, and I enjoy playing Bushido(another style of abd if you didn't know). I was the leader of a clan named Leash, I lead it until I ended up going inactive which I regretted because the clan then went inactive and someone killed our streak of 35 by inviting random people. I'm an 8th dan black belt, I just recently got back into Toribash like a month ago. I've been getting a lot better at making art recently just hmu if you want to see some of my newest wips! Power seems like a chill clan and I'd like to be the newest member of it as of now, thanks for reading my app.

~Hi Kratos.

~Bye Kratos. ;p
Plottin' on me! They're plottin' on me!
DropKick | R.I.P. [JollyR] | [RelaxAll]

~You were accepted
Now that you're in the clan, you're now a trial member. Keep active and loyal and you'll be accepted.
Hello my name is Juan. I'm 14 years old and My Passions are Boxing, playing video games, and I enjoy Sports. I've Recently Gotten Into All Types Of Music . Some other stuff that's interesting about me is I play Football. I'm One Of The Few Honor Roll Students In My School.

I'm mainly interested in AikidoBigDojo, but I'm also good at Boxshu, Lenshu, I'm half decent at Sparring, I'm good at ninjutsu, and I enjoy playing Bushido . I know Every Team Legacy Member Of Wapow , I lead it until I ended up going inactive because of school. I'm an 8th dan black belt, I just recently got back into ToribashAbout Two months ago. I've been getting a lot better at Drawings recently just Ask me if you want to see some of my newest Art. Also Power Seems Mostly Chill So I Would Be Pleased to Join.
Cat Is A Stranger If You See Him Run For You Life Get Out Style
Psst, my name is Nayeem and I, right here, want to apply for the beautiful clan to be a minion of the god kratos. According to my experience with a P member (SandDune), this clan seems to be more than fitting of anyone's time, due to the social effect he had on me, which is why I felt more than welcome when he joined (surprisingly enough since he joined after).

So I like playing video games (obviously), I enjoy certain types of music like techno, glitch hop, etc, and I play a few sports, like rugby and football, sometimes cricket because I'm asian.

I'm good at basic mods like ABD, Boxshu, and I'm pretty interested in mushu and wushu, because even though I'm not good at those, they look pretty fun. I used to be in the Dark Brotherhood, but I got kicked due to going inactive a bit, then trying to return but I forgot that I changed my pass on the forum, so I felt like a dumbass when I returned. I just left Lotus, because it's not active anymore, and I feel like this clan would be very liked for as long as it's alive. I've got skype, I use it sometimes, but not very often, and in forum, I'll most likely be on, i'm very active on here. I, myself, would rate my activity 7/10.
Last edited by ShadowSinn; Dec 22, 2016 at 09:23 PM. Reason: To improve
Im 13 and I Live in america
I master in Wushu,Boxing,akido, and taekkyon
I see that your requirements state that you want us to be at least 2nd Dan Black Belt
I believe that no matter what belt, you are POWERful.
Please let me join

I also want to make friends with cjslick LOL
@Headkill22, ShadowSinn, CJDiamonds:

The reason is pretty simple, the apps weren't good as we expected it to be. And also, some of you are less than 2nd dan black.

Pm me if you want to talk about. Do not post here.