Original Post
(Hollow)Recruitment Thread
1. Must have will, and determination to triumph.
2. Be active in toribash and post at least 1 time per week
3. Be your own.

Complete the next template and post your application below.

Items mark with " * " are optional
  • *Age:
  • Do you have skype or other means to contact you?
  • *Where are you from:
  • Favorite Mod: (scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is the best.)
  • Best Mod: (1 mod)
  • *Tell us something about yourself:
  • Why you want to join this clan:

I hope you enjoy being part of this family.
Last edited by WhitePhoenix; Nov 26, 2016 at 04:00 AM.

Do you have skype or other means to contact you?
Yeah, [email protected]

*Where are you from:

Favorite Mod: (scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is the best.)
Aikido, ABD, JoustingFixed and JudoFrac

Best Mod: (1 mod)

*Tell us something about yourself:
I born in Buenos Aires, at the age of 19 i started playing Toribash, since then, i love this game, i met many friends, and many enemies on the way
And, i don't regret of nothing i made.

Why you want to join this clan:
I wanna become better, that's why im joining this clan.
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Something like that :b
__________________________________________________ ________________________
my request to join
Do you have skype or other means to contact you?

*Where are you from:

Favorite Mod: (scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is the best.)
Judo Akido PendlumJumper

Best Mod: (1 mod)

Why you want to join this clan:
I think I will make a great addition.

Take this request into consideration. You will probably bump me because i am a green belt but i have had 2 accounts before which were black belts