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[R] Recolour, Resize (Possible edits/additions)
Hi hello.

I would like my current set recoloured from the grey and white it has to something else.

Right Wrist joint:
Head Texture:

I'm putting up two 512 images I have so you guys have a base to work off. (if you want more to experiment on or you feel you want to check how the colours would look on the whole set then just DL me ingame.
(Be warned, though, not everything I have on is 512 right now and upgrading the 128/256 ones I have will be part of this request.)

Hexcodes of the colours I would like: = #ff3400 = #506478

As for what parts get changed to what colour, I don't have an immediate preference. If you guys feel that the white being changed to #ff3400 over #506478 then go for it and give me a WIP.

(I know I have given two hexcodes while the textures have 3. White, light grey and dark grey. I just don't want to give 3 colours that may not match up easily and ruin any sense of flow.)

Design of the set I would like to stay more or less the same, but you're free to make edits or additions if you feel you feel it would make an improvement. Just be sure to let me know of any changes you make.

(all points are up for negotiation if you feel you have the right and claim to do so)
  • A recolour and resize afaik shouldn't be hard on its own. So if you're just doing that then I'd expect around 50k.
  • If you make additions to the set after the recolour and resize, and we go forward with your ideas I don't mind increasing the amount to 100,000< ?
  • Bonus: Wizards Soul and depending on what you do we can go upwards.