Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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laptop harddrive crashes.
so i haven't been using my laptop lately. if anyone who read my past threads about the laptop reads this, yeah, it's the same one. we fixed the fan by buying a new case for it. graphics card is still barely keeping up. still getting my wifi messed up at times, whilst it works on other devices. harddrive still keeps fucking up.

and for those who haven't read it, hi hello, i own a laptop with alot of struggles. however, only one of these problems is mildly worrying, and that is the fact that my harddrive sometimes crashes, but comes back to life after a bit. i made a thread when i had a previous harddrive crash. sorry for not responding to your post, skulfuk. it was indeed a harddrive crash and i had to take it back to the shop. i mean the laptop has been in like three or four times before it lost it's warranty. it's hilarious. anyways, had my harddrives replaced and got it back. things were still messed up with it, but i could work with it. then i put an ssd into my main tower, and i practically stopped using the laptop, except on occasions when i couldn't get to my main.
so. the "new" harddrive crashes now and then when i do use the laptop, which is pretty bad, because i'll be using it quite a few weeks over the winter. i mean yeah i could just buy a new laptop. i have the money, but how fun is it to spend money on something when you don't have a job, and you're trying to buy yourself a car. as well if the problem actually can be solved. that's why i'm making this thread.

the laptop is a msi ge70 0nc. that's two sata disks on 7200/5400 rpm according to msi's website, one being 750gb and one 500gb. (i had just below 1tb, but w/e.)
it's also the second disk which keeps crashing. the disk windows isn't on.
i don't really know if you need much more specs, but you can find them here anyways.

so yeah. is there a fix, or should i just not worry at all, since it has came back to life atleast twice now already?

sorry for pharagraphs, and thank you.
Pretty unusual that HDD's keep failing in the same laptop over and over again, sounds like a problem with the Mobo, SATA controller or a loose cable. If you feel comfortable screw it open and take a look. If you see no physical error then send it in again and tell them that you want a new mobo.
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i'll look into it tomorrow. just wanted to add though, this recent "crash" did corrupt files, whereas the crash before it didn't, atleast from what i noticed. i mean corrupted files is to be expected when this happens, but it might give some more info.
i wouldn't really know though. i'm better with hardware than software, if this can be counted as software.
Something you could do to see if the hard drives are actually failing is connecting them to another computer. If they work fine, then it's something wrong with the laptop and not the drives.
Like Mongius said, could be the motherboard.

However, if you have a warranty on the laptop still I would advise opening it up as most warranties are voided if you open the laptop.
I would just send it in and say there may be something wrong with the motherboard or hard drive.
Last edited by DruggedPanda; Dec 4, 2016 at 06:16 AM.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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the warranty is out, sadly.
though, without opening it up, do i need any certain cables or can i just use my sata cables from my main?
You would have to open it up to get to your hard drive, wouldn't you?
At least with the laptops I've worked with, some of them I've actually had to take off the keyboard/trackpad, and the motherboard + the fan, before I could even take out the hard drive. Others were a bit easier to get the hard drive out but really depends.

You should be able to take it out of your laptop and then connect it to your motherboard of your desktop, running it, etc and seeing if any thing is actually wrong with it or not.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
i meant if i could connect the laptop drive to my main with any normal sata cable, or do i need something else? i've removed it before so i know where it's located, but i didn't really care for what kind of cable it was, and it was a while ago.
SATA is SATA, same connection on both; same applies with power.

Laptops typically don't use cables, the connectors are soldered onto the mobo so drives can pop in with less faffing. If it is a SATA issue then the mobo needs junked & replaced... Basically new laptop time.

IMO give it's RAM a full memcheck, bad memory always causes file issues, SATA hardware fails would result in the machine locking up constantly when the OS drive is involved.
Also temperature check the machine - specifically around the where the drive sits, cooking HDDs causes as many data issues as dodgy RAM does.

Also that laptop is far too small & far too under-ventilated for what's in it. MSI should just stop making that trash.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you