Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[im] Looking For New Bloods!

After few generations and succession of thrones, we'd like to open the recruitment back after being shut tight for a long time.
Before procceding to post your application, you'd better meet these requirements first.

Requirements to Join
1. Be Brown Belt+. We want people that know toribash and the forums, as we expect you to post a ton in our board!
2. Please be mature. If we see you being immature, we wouldn't want you to be in our clan, right? Also: Don't tell us you are mature, SHOW US.
3. Post often. We will be looking at post counts to make sure that you are posting often, and are posting quality instead of shit posts.
4. Don't be an alt! We can't stress this enough. Use your main account when trying to join. If we catch that you are an alt, you will be added to our blacklist! (Alts in our clan must be permitted by leaders)
5. Follow the rules. If you follow the global rules and our clan rules, you're cool. If you don't, you're not. It's that simple.

How do I apply?!?!?

It's quite simple! All you need to do is write a DETAILED free-form application. If you don't know what this is, you shouldn't be here in the first place. We want you to include as much information you see necessary. Of course, filler is not recommended and we don't want to see it. Just don't make your apps 3 sentences. Use your head, dummy. Effortless and obnoxious app will be straightforward rejected!
Once you've posted your application, we'll discussing your application in our secret boards.
It may take up to few days, so please be patient.

Our board: http://forum.toribash.com/forumdisplay.php?f=761