Original Post
This game needs to stop rewarding DC's
It makes absolutely no sense that someone has the ability to disconnect from a game in the very last frames if they happen to be losing and deny both the streak/win AND toricash to the victor. This happens with a good 20% of the spar's that i've been apart of recently. Yesterday, of the 60 matches I played I counted 22 purposeful DC's (meaning joining /spec or leaving server and immediately rejoining) from potential wins. Of those 60 matches, I lost about 32 (bad day sadly). So what should have been still 28 wins ended up only being about 6 with all of the DC's I dealt with (different servers and all, no chat involved). Now to be fair, this is the worst i've ever seen it. But I'd say I get an average of 5-15 DC's each session in response to near wins when I average a 100 games.

I am sure this suggestion/complaint has already been brought up thousands of times... but It is so irritating that I can't help but rant. Toribash should simply treat disconnects as every other game does and make it count as a loss/surrender. It has to be the most abused function I've ever witnessed in a game in its current state.
Last edited by Folv; Jan 14, 2017 at 11:45 PM.
Quite true, happens to me too.

Possibly we could have 10 tc taken from the opponent and receive 20 tc, or more, depending if you have a booster.

Or the DC person could recive a penalty such as, no tc for the whole day, hour or something like that.

The problem about number 2 would be also ruining the innocent people who just have to go do something.

Of course they could just stay, but, eh.

Hey guys, I need your help
The main problem here is a lot of people who play toribash have shaky internets, and they ping frequently.
The toribash servers themselves are not that reliable as well. How do you propose we tell the difference between these cases and the above mentioned cases?

Originally Posted by Leanmarkie View Post
doesn't it say

x has disconnected


x has disconnected (pinged)

or something?

forced pings are a pretty common way of disconnecting

I guess if it was a fwin whenever one player disconnects it would solve a lot of problems. With bets however, I think it should cancelbets rather than give winnings until the betframes have passed.
I honestly never even considered the betting side of how disconnections would be handled, but it honestly doesn't change my feelings towards this issue one way or the other; though I do empathize with the fears of losing bets because of that issue. As far as I can assume, couldn't bet's be avoided through disconnections as well and wouldn't that be an issue if players chose (and will choose) to abuse it?

Aside from that though, the disconnection should always prefer to penalize the person who dropped. That is simply how most games handle that situation. If you want a fail-safe, allow players to rejoin within 10-20 seconds or some such thing. That's also a common feature that many online games utilize.

St3lla888 - "The problem about number 2 would be also ruining the innocent people who just have to go do something. Of course they could just stay, but, eh."

I honestly don't see a person joining a game that generally takes less than 5 minutes (depending on your mod) as being "innocent" for leaving the game and denying the person they are fighting their TC. If you have to leave, fine, do as you would do from any online versus experience and drop/concede from the game. This rarely is the case either way; you're talking about an extreme minority of disconnections imho.

"Kore - The main problem here is a lot of people who play toribash have shaky internets, and they ping frequently. The toribash servers themselves are not that reliable as well. How do you propose we tell the difference between these cases and the above mentioned cases?"

That isn't a realistic problem. Of the now 60+ disconnects I have been apart of (again with NO chatting as to not incite anger) only one of them weren't followed by "no tc 4 u" type taunts. One person of those 60 said "oops, must've dc'd", but even that one seemed sarcastic because he was one turn from hitting the ground. So even when these cases do happen, which is rare, you're talking easily about less than 5% matches that result in DC. When the server itself drops, that should simply result in a reset of the match; no questions asked there. No one should be penalized for the Toribash servers crapping out, but that isn't really the discussion here to begin with. I also don't think you need to be able to tell the difference regardless. Whether someone leaves to screw over their opponents OR they leave out of personal concerns, the opponent should not be penalized for that. When this is not enforced you end up seeing exactly what I am expressing here, CONSTANT disconnects done to troll opponents.


On a side note, consider this. I've disconnected due to my own internet crapping out maybe twice that I can remember (both of which were during potential wins). That's 20 TC that was forfeited due to my own issues AND my opponent got nothing. Now just this week alone I have had close to 65 DC's-to-avoid-loss type matches (it's been insane recently, it's the same 4-5 players for the most part). That equates to 650 TC being lost due to others abusing the system.

So can you really argue that there is some benefit in protecting my two DC's and 20 TC over the 650 TC that I lost this week alone due to abuse in this area? Also, while just thinking about this, what risk does the DC'er even face? You don't lose anything for not winning the match... it's actually entirely risk free to leave a match which I am completely fine with. No one would have to be punished if they would simply just allow the opponents of the person disconnecting to receive the win and thereby receiving their TC.
Last edited by Folv; Jan 11, 2017 at 12:57 AM.
Yesterday, this was my record; (did my standard 100 games towards my next belt [max Qi]):

Wins: 61 (assuming the disconnects count as wins)
Losses: 39
Opponent Disconnects (to avoid loss): 24

So of my 61 potential victory matches, I only received TC for 37 of them. This month I decided to also opt in for the cheap boost (100 TC per win), so that is 2400 TC I did not receive at no fault of my own. That is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by AssassinPro View Post
I guess if it was a fwin whenever one player disconnects it would solve a lot of problems. With bets however, I think it should cancelbets rather than give winnings until the betframes have passed.

bann after 3 or 4 fwins disconects in a row
It would make farming for qi/tc easy in public rooms if u just have to /rec to a get 10 tc and 1 qi
Pm me for deals