Amazing x)
Love how you mixed the 3d animation and actual toribash game together
The story was related to the actual game which is great.
kept me interested throughout the whole video.
The only things which needs improving would be the 3d animations movements speed x) some need to be faster, some slower.
And the voices need to be different. sounds too similar. mouth movements would help too.
Don't want to get into deep criticizing. but most of it was great. gj sam.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
hi, please list the music used in the original post

Last edited by cats; Jan 25, 2017 at 04:32 PM. Reason: no need to respond to this
Ahhh fuckk!!3)it’s 2LIT . >>>>
the only thing I don't like in your video is the way how you've shown your replays, I mean you could show them without the name of the replay and etc.
The idea is cool, waiting for new episodes
the ony thing I didn't like was the English translations annnnd that you weren't streaking

it showed you as uke multiple times

everything else was amazing
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Originally Posted by aero View Post
the only thing I don't like in your video is the way how you've shown your replays, I mean you could show them without the name of the replay and etc.

Actually this^
Next time use /opt hud 0 /opt bloodstains 0 /opt particles 0
Love your videos, glad to seed that someone is create funny stuff like this, great work made here
Hope to see new episodes, do it pls
Also use[YOUTUBE THIS [/YOUTUBE] I deleted one ] after [YOUTUBE
To put your video right. Just copy last letters, numbers and symbols after .com/v=THIGSYOUNEEDCOPY and paste them into [YOUTUBE HERE[/YOUTUBE]
Last edited by pushka; Jan 26, 2017 at 01:16 PM.
Great as always! Favourite part was when the beginner complained about you being nudged

But yeah you could've made the fights more cinematic, instead of just showing replays. Keyframe them!
Owner of Fred
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