Original Post
Please Reconsider Juntalis as an admin.
I would very much like some of the people in power over this website to look into taking away whatever power Juntalis has at least over the debate forum.

Just recently, I decided to begin using the debates section of this website to ask and get answers to controversial questions (some arguments of which I will be using for a college class) After a short while, I noticed the moderator Juntalis arguing against me. If you read the threads in which we debated you will find that I tried to base my arguements on facts and not too much on opinions and I followed all the forum's rules. After a short time, he began insulting me and threatening to kick me from the forum. Eventually he did kick me and then let me back in on the condition that I "continue to show us how stupid close-minded sheltered kids can be." Upon that, he has also called one of my close friends a bitch.
Not only is he abusing admin privilages but he is also giving the debates forum a very negative and abusive atmosphere and I do not belive he should be allowed to continue.

The following are two of the threads in which this happened.
I'm not entirely sure if posting here's going to get anything done. You need to get in touch with an admin.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Life isn't fair get over it.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
Originally Posted by Redwards View Post
Life isn't fair get over it.

I could get over it, or I could make it better.
Juntalis is a good admin, but he is strict, and maybe he got his powers taken away for a good reason or something but idk. :3
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
Originally Posted by Tiebasher View Post
Juntalis is a good admin, but he is strict, and maybe he got his powers taken away for a good reason or something but idk. :3

No, fiver WANTS his powers taken away.

Look fiver, the debate board belongs to juntalis, he made it. He can do whatever he wants with it.

Anyway, you did NOT follow the board's rules. You either argue that your religion is right and people should listen to it, or you connect random miscillaneous coincidences as proof of your religion. Junt warned you that nobody cares about your religion and you needed to get some real arguments. In response, you just complained that nobody even payed attention to you, and just refused to realize that the reason your arguments were ignored and destroyed is because they were all just about religious supermecy.

So before you go questioning somebody's qualifications, maybe you should think about it from a more sensible point of view.
Originally Posted by FireBlu View Post
Upon that, he has also called one of my close friends a bitch.

Yep, that is definitely Juntalis.
Just obey him, and do not be stupid around him is the lessons I have learned.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
He just trys to keep Toribash in order. He knows what hes doing, even if some of his methods may seem harsh.