Original Post
Possessed Replays straight from Satan's grave
Hello Children!

My thread kill me

Basically i want to kms what even am i doing I wanted to make a(nother) thread of replays!

Here will be my latest.
NON HACKED, (if i do hax replays its probably a really bad tricking one or to add flavour to a replay)

Once i have posted enough replays i will make a folder of them all

Attached Files
D9 - OILTHEMDOORHINGES.rpl (481.5 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by tabby; 4 Weeks Ago at 01:35 AM.
D9 - The Storm Grows:

Still a bit stiff but it looks better at all. Nice spins and boom shot.
You need a better follow up to your opener.
Last edited by Lionet; Mar 10, 2017 at 12:29 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Thankes once again Mateus,
But I need advice on what to work on,
idk if i like this one
Attached Files
D9 - Does The Demon Like.rpl (338.4 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by tabby; Mar 11, 2017 at 06:37 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Starting off with a simple opener then turning it into a jump opener i dont like that ur foot is like pushed and while ground hitting it
when the swing of the leg came u lost basicly all your speed that u attained becuse u contracted it to make the "reswing" now after that u didnt jump but u turned it into a reswing then grabbed uke.... after u grabbed u re made the jumping opener to push yourself for a boom. thats a good tactic but ur doing the same thing allover again
and it doesnt look good. boom went off really clean shot then becus u threw uke in the air u lost all your speed that u had gained from the boom and u kinda struggled for the landing.This is the part where it gets bad (srry) u contract and extend ur knees a lot witch make u look wierd. I dont like that u let that leg hit ur head looks wierd and stupid...Then u get ur speed back by contracting and extending knees a lot.That kick to the ground wasnt strong enough to make you jump but instead u just swinged urself and u made that kick seem usless. Since u had ur knees bent u closed them again and went for the decap. but becuse of that jump (not really) u lost all your speed that u attained and lost by the replay. then u just dance and pose.Dont keep more tf after ur done becuse no one wants to see replays just with your pose.
Work with your flow dont do the revers of one joint ( example : u ext ur r_knee then u contract the other) do more powerful jumps
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO