Original Post
hi guys.
two problems: the first is my english. so i hope, you can understand my second problem ;)

my second problem is: where are my replays saved in?? i'm using ubuntu(kind of debian-distribution). since i saved my first own replay, the other replays are no longer there for replay. but that is another problem that doesn't matter. my problem is, where i can find my own replays. searching for .rpl-files doens't work.
I'll put this the easy way. ;)

Your replays are in the hidden toribash folder. Go to your home folder, right click & turn on the option to show hidden files.

You'll find a .toribash folder - in there's replays, autosave, custom etc

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you