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GMT Question
Well you know how for tourneys it always says like it starts at 13 GMT?
Well I dont know how to figure out the time.
I know that +8 GMT is Hampa's, and thats mostly the way tourneys are scheduled, so is +8 GMT noon? so +9 would be like 1 PM and so on?
I know that, but I dont get how it just says "GMT +13" and stuff.
What hour and stuff are we supposed to look at?
It's a time zone. GMT is set to London in winter.

GMT +8 means that area is 8 hours ahead of London. GMT -3 would make that place 3 hours behind.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
If the tourney is set to "13 GMT" and your time zone is "GMT +3" then add three hours to "13" which is "16" then that would be the time it starts for you. Capiche?
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.