Original Post
current highest offer is 250k, also no, demon wings are like 20-30k LOL.
oh is this where i put my signature?
Full Valk with wings 30k each, without wings I'll do like 10k
Also I'll go 16k on the head dress considering there is only 1 in the market.
Last edited by Tempest; Jan 20, 2018 at 04:58 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
oh is this where i put my signature?
Lolix im going to have to say no to that, definitely no, if you make any more low balls I will have to ask you to not post here.
oh is this where i put my signature?
16k? lol that's just insane, having one at the market doesn't mean anything
I'll do 11.5k max, once this item doesn't even sells