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Rate my replays!
Well, i'm kind of new to playing in single player, i got my brown belt from playing twinswords4 mostly so.. I don't really know how to properly take advantage of the grabby hands function and having relaxed joints, so any hints would be appreciated.

Here are some of my best replays, comment them please : )

Replay1 - I was just testing around and got something where i hit uke to 3 parts.. I tried to do something cool after the first hit but came up with nothing so i just grabbed his head..

Replay2 - Just a clean hit to the head

Replay3 - My first try at relaxing all the joints before making a move..
Attached Files
Replay1.rpl (101.3 KB, 14 views)
Replay2.rpl (35.8 KB, 14 views)
Replay3.rpl (63.4 KB, 13 views)
Well alright, what's wrong with the first one though : D

Anyway, i made another one.. First i just thought i'd open toribash, do something random and go play something else but it ended up being cooler than something random ^^
Attached Files
Replay4.rpl (84.6 KB, 9 views)
They are a bit raw still, so I won't comment them one by one. What I can say, though, is that you're already on the stage that you will get better by just making new replays, not necessarily designated for practicing.

Do avoid symmetry, though.
I refuse to grab.
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I mean they're not good enough yet. but as said above, just play for a while longer and they will be.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Ok, but any tips about decaping ukes bodyparts easier? Sometimes when i grab him then i can mess around with him 450 frames and still get no decap..
you can only decap the head. removing other parts is called dismembering.

grabbing isn't the best way to dismember... trial and error will show you best, but a lot of speed and aiming for the joining points of joints and bodyparts or dead middle of joints is usually the best way.
I refuse to grab.
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