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Parkland Florida - School Shooting
I'm sure most of you have already heard, but lets talk about it..

On Wednesday, February 14th; a mass shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland Florida US.

The shooter was a former student named Nikolas Cruz, who had been expelled prior for shit behavior. He then returned to the school sometime after and opened fire with an AR-15, killing 17 people. Students and Teachers alike.

Some newer Information I did not include here.
Another Source saying similar shit
The Victims

Alright, America has a huge issue when it comes to mass shootings. What was it that I saw, we have had 19 school shootings and it wasn't even March yet. This happens nowhere else but America at these extremes, and that has to do with our laws.

How I see it, is that we need way more background checks and overall mental health checks before purchasing a firearm here in the states. I don't think guns in of themselves are an issue, but it sure as hell doesn't help that there are more guns in the US than there are people. Then again, criminals don't obey laws and will gain weapons no matter what we do.

So my solution for this? There is no Solution. This is just how it is now here and we can only secure schools more strongly. Metal detectors and at least one police officer to watch over the school. We are grasping at straws.

TL ; DR Kid shot up school in Florida, US. Killed 17 people. Others are pissed and calling for gun control. I don't think there's a solution that close here in America. What do you all suppose should be done?

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Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Then again, criminals don't obey laws and will gain weapons no matter what we do.

This seems to be a line that crops up a lot in discussions about guns.

Making guns harder to obtain, and it being a red flag if someone even owns one makes it much harder to plan such an attack, this is why the USA have a lot more shootings such as this one than other countries. British criminals still commit crime, and a few do have guns too, but the rarity of guns and how difficult they are to obtain reduces gun crime.

Another thing to bear in mind on this line of argument is that the people carrying out these attacks are unlikely to be hardened criminals or part of a highly organised groups, i.e. they are unlikely to have a network of connections that can easily get them illegal items without being detected; so guns being illegal would make it much more difficult for this kind of attack to happen. However, if you can simply go and buy a gun and a lot of ammunition then barely any premeditation or coordination is required for one of these attacks.
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With how America is so fixated on, and just about loves their guns more than their people, I can't see guns becoming illegal here. Gun control in of itself is difficult to bring onto the table with how people are here. But I do agree that if guns were just illegal, these shootings wouldn't happen so quickly and easily.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I don't really know nor I want to know about gun purchasing, but sadly you can get some of it online. There is this website which is like a firearms amazon, but sadly I forget the link of the website, since my friend just showed the thing and ya I checked the website as my friend showed it to me. But I'm pretty sure it requires some basic stuffs like identification card and more to purchase any guns from the website.

Internet is scary, yet it's hard to limit the use of it.

With that being said, I think that a solution with this kind of matter is very unlikely to be found right away, but maybe in the future as people already aware of this kind of threat there will be options to maybe reduce the amount of this case.
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There's also a thing called gun shows here in America where there's no background checks and it's a practical loop hole in the law. They recommend you get one but they cant enforce it there. It's a pretty stupid thing they allow.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Yea theres many loopholes to getting weapons in the U.S so i dont think gun control laws would help. And how people are saying they should arm teachers is clearly ridiculous because if a student got angry and went to overpower the teacher then they would be clearly able to grab a gun and shoot student. This whole matter just confuses and angers me. i wish america was as safe as it is free
<(Raven)g3tab0ut> seems like you have nothing nowhere near fate, Jhunter
Originally Posted by jhunter03 View Post
Yea theres many loopholes to getting weapons in the U.S so i dont think gun control laws would help

Two points. First, if there are loopholes in purchasing a gun, then gun control laws can target the loopholes. It's not rocket science.

Second, more generally, there are loopholes that allow minors to get alcohol. Does that mean we should remove the requirement to card when selling alcohol?

The point of any law is not to prevent all crime, it is to reduce crime.
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Would not someone with extreme intent to kill go through the effort of illegally obtaining weapons, i can see gun control laws stopping something like common gang shootings and other things like that and reducing common shootings, but not mass ones
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I seriously don't understand why people in the U.S need assault rifles, snipers, SMGs or shotguns, they aren't needed. The US is a bit stubborn country with their second amendment. The only way people will take gun laws seriously is if an NFL game gets shot up but even then, I highly doubt they'd change the amendment.

Seems like the U.S doesn't want to get rid of guns so the best solution I have is to ban all weapons apart from hand guns. You really don't need an AR-15 or any other weapon unless your fighting ISIS like legit.
Last edited by 16bars; Feb 21, 2018 at 08:52 AM.
Handguns are a common weapon in mass shootings. Maybe not of recent, but just the last few years it's been the goto weapon for doing this.

Nah, America won't change shit. I don't know why people want their guns so bad. Constantly using the excuse "let's ban cars because they kill more than guns wah wah wah". Fucking jeez, that isn't an argument because people don't usually drive into crowds of people.

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