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Full Persian Achiement
Full Persian achievement doesn't works.

I've had a full persian on my deactive for a few days already, and I haven't received its achievement.
Originally Posted by Nike View Post
Achievement is broken currently

Most likely won't be fixed either.
It's a problem that's basically always existed.
The item set (unpacked and packed) both count towards the achievement last time I checked.
So to get the achievement you'd need;
-All of the items.
-A packed color set.
-An unpacked color set.

If this is incorrect feel free to correct me on it, but I believe that's how it works.

Below \./
Last edited by tabby; Mar 28, 2018 at 09:08 AM.
Above isn't true. All of them worked fine for me (and i have more than half of them) when I had a single full set of eachcolor, this was before hair colors existed.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Recently Colour packs have been changed so that they have respective colour ID. This way they would show up on the same page as other colour items when viewing items by colour, but at the same time it meant that they would also count towards the full colour achievement. In addition, some of the .obj items that use colour IDs also count towards the full colour achievements, as well as S7ing's 2013 Aikido tournament prize (full demon with a custom name). So you're most likely not getting most of the achievements, and you're definitely not getting a full demon achievement.
So thats why i dident get the full demon a few days ago...
This is so stupid. At this point i think its better to remove achivements for good. Its just frustrating and it shows lack of professionalism.

And start over with new achivements that actually work.
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