Original Post
Azazel's sp dollar store replays
Mk so if no one knows I am bloodage/bloodage2
Azazel's SP Replaythread
Anyways - I will be posting some parkours, self spars, uke replays, and other shit here when I can.
Kinda rusty atm but whatever - I'll be sure to upload better stuff soon <3

The Real Fight.rpl - really brutal self spar
Parkour After Never.rpl - Haven't parkoured in a while this is the result
Stupid Shit.rpl - a quick uke bash for no reason

CNC is much appreciated
Attached Files
The Real Fight.rpl (1.57 MB, 13 views)
onso_spar_house_hgedit.tbm (34.4 KB, 7 views)
[P] ~ Parkour After Never.rpl (1.37 MB, 9 views)
Stupid Shit.rpl (222.7 KB, 6 views)
Former [AS] Co-Leader (Two times), Former [eVo] member, Current [TANG] member <3
CnC time.

Let's kick things off with the Parkour one; parkour after never.
I like the overall theme you went for, spinning through quite a lot of it whilst still running a bit and keeping a decently consistent vibe through it.

- I really think practicing more on your run consistency (or just using edits)
would do you big favors. Your run's very inconsistent, from knees to glutes to arms.

- You quite often toss out a lot of momentum that you could've conserved
easily with a few small tweaks. I'll point specifically to frames 1720-1690,
1450-1350 and finally 970-900. Abruptly stopping at awkward times
makes the replay feel more jerky and twitchy than it actually is.

- This last point might be more debatable, up to style and opinion. I think
you stray away from "realistic" for some spins too easily. The two times
you can break realism in parkour is either to do something crazy/janky or
because there's no other way. (example in the first part of the parkour,
where you launch up to the obstacle, touch it for spin, touch and grab it
again to pull yourself through and then have to do another clunky move
to get through. Like frames 2600) I think you go for the crazy/janky thing
sometimes, even though it's not janky enough to make up for it.

On to the selfspar we go. I again very much like the idea of the style here, very tricky and high tempo, I do have some problems with it though.

- Because almost all of the moves are "big" moves where you leave the
ground and spin. And because all of the moves are done pretty quickly,
in rapid succession,
none of them really feel that special. If every pokemon was shiny, it
wouldn't feel special either. While almost all of the moves look good and
nice, there's never any "big/exciting" moments.
There's no big turnaround moment in the spar, no massive KO, nor other
things that stand out really heavily.

- The reactions to the attacks feel improper quite often, during the midway
of the spar for example, Uke literally full on lands on Tori, and kicks him
in the back. I get the idea of the move was to spin, but it doesn't look like
that happened too much, instead it just looks clunky imo. I thought the
initial KO kick was a very weak looking kick. And then because uke
instantly ceased any and all movement, the second (more stylish) kick,
felt too little too late.

- Since the spar lasted quite a while, and point one, this was kinda bound
to happen. But the spar eventually started to feel like a repeating loop of
spin > kick > swipey-punch. Even the backflip-off-object-to-dodge-move
was repeated 3 times throughout the spar.

I'll leave the random thing alone, since the name would imply it was just like a doodle without actual time invested.

The replays are overall actually quite good and advanced, I like. 7/10 for parkoure boye and 7.5/10 for sparry boye.
basically a beyblade that can jump.
tricking thread