Original Post
Art tutorials!
Hey Post here tut requests and tuts'!
My First form and example in one
1. What Program : Cinema 4d 10
2. What kind tutorial : Creating fire in c4d
3. How mutch u pay for it : Cna it be free ?
Last edited by 931bw; Nov 28, 2008 at 01:54 PM.
... I think you should practice more before you start making tutorials.

no offense, but you don't know half the programs capabilities.

Mograph, pyroclusters, do you know what these are?

how about TP?

you need to learn more buddy :P
Former Item Forger
Yeah.. What is this "google" you're talking 'bout?...

Never heard of it.

Last edited by Blam; Nov 30, 2008 at 12:00 AM.