Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
The Real Reasons, Why Toribash is Dead
This is a opinion of people, i know including Tlclay (a friend of mine)

This isn't about the drama or issues with Gang. I've noticed it and seen it. This isn't about staff. This is about the game and the community. My First Issue is staff, tho i hate to pick on them as they already getted shitted on. I have my own problems like everyone else and i can be cancer too, but this community needs some come to jesus moments. The first problem is staff, Staff can defend themselves all they want, but the fact is staff is just as bad as the toxic and cancerous people, they ban. They ignore issues that cause people to quit and basically kill the game. People like gang helped the community, so much when gang came with a problem, because the community shitted on him and was being toxic IN A TOURNEY THAT WAS HOSTED BY HIM FOR THE COMMUNITY ON HIS ON TIME. This is shameful, staff should be ashamed of themselves for this kind of behavior. I don't blame Sir or anyone else. You should look at yourselves and change. This game is beautiful art and creation. We shouldn't be treat people like this and people who gave their time for this game like gang. Staff ignores so much of the actual problems, and we could back and expose this. The Staff attack, i'm not trying to make the staff sound evil. I just want to see a change. People that are staff agree with me on this including Tlclay. This person has done so much for the community, he's done more then a lot of the current staff and he's a great person. Half the people on staff shouldn't be staff due to there attitude and favoritism with people. We should have staff, who look at this problem seriously. This community pushed Gang to almost killing himself, and the staff say "We don't deal with mental health, we ain't here for that." Then what are you staff for. This isn't a joke. This isn't just a page to blame the staff.

It's the entire community. We shit on the staff likes it all them, but its us too. It wouldn't be bad if the community wasn't toxic and shit on people, who do so much for this game. I feel ashamed to play this game sometimes. To be part of a community that is so toxic and its own way. That it can't even be explained. I want to help change this community, but i need the community to see the light, because i need to see the light myself. I am not perfect at all. I can be mean and toxic too. But i wanna change that. Don't deny that this isn't true. Staff has its issues we have people as staff that shouldn't be in there positions don't tell me that i don't know what I'm talking about, because i do. I've experienced this stuff myself. People, who can actually change this community are denied staff denied a chance to become a person who really can change this community. I feel like that myself i just wanna help this about my fame or glory. This about a community that i care for and a game that i love. I feel so ashamed of how they did Gang and this made me mad and sad. Gang quit because of the community negativity. We need people like pouffy, who are so understanding and nice. Erth and higher ups are also important and we should treat them better instead of just shitting on them, they don't see everything we do. We have to show them. Don't treat them like shit. They do so much for this game behind the scenes. I know how tough being staff can be, but they do it anyway. I just wanna see the staff deal with problems better and try to fix the community and improve staff themselves. Remove all the toxicity and favoritism. This game is dead, because of how it is right now. Other stuff like clan improvements and etc. Can also be related to why Toribash is dead. We can't go around no noticing and not looking at how we play or how we do tourneys, how we market and how we just act. We should welcome new players in and try to help them. This is why TBA is so important and why people like Kr3s and Tlclay do so much for this community and really still aint rewarded or even noticed for it.

Thats all i have to say, you can add more if you want. Or you can disagree with me

Signed, Azraeel
The Emperor Decrees
Originally Posted by Azraeel View Post
This isn't about staff. [...] My First Issue is staff

you literally contradict yourself more times than I care to count, calling the staff bad and shitting on them and then saying we shouldn't do it, saying how you know how to improve staff but also that you yourself are at fault for doing the same things the staff is doing wrong. Okay

Originally Posted by Azraeel View Post
I've experienced this stuff myself. People, who can actually change this community are denied staff denied a chance to become a person who really can change this community.

So what you're saying is you or somebody you know applied for staff and was denied, therefore you claim that everybody capable will be denied. Ok.

Originally Posted by Azraeel View Post
This about a community that i care for and a game that i love [...] This game is dead

soo basically you're a necrophile

Jokes aside can we please stop parroting the same complaints ad infinium? No amount of complaining will save Toribash at this point, and people have been complaining about staff every since the game began.
i think this game is dying because there is not a lot of new stuff to do. this game has been explored a lot competitively and aesthetically (replay making). and i don't think there is a lot left to discover. that's why i'm exited for toribash next
People always complained about staff btw this is nothing new (kyure, Ryan, ETC)
rename the thread to "the reason toribash is dead is because gang wasn't given a staff position"
This isn't about the drama or issues with Gang.

no, that's the only thing it is about. it's like the pillar that is holding all of ur arguments, u use him, and only him, as an example after every 5 words
They ignore issues that cause people to quit and basically kill the game. People like gang helped the community, so much when gang came with a problem, because the community shitted on him and was being toxic IN A TOURNEY THAT WAS HOSTED BY HIM FOR THE COMMUNITY ON HIS ON TIME. This is shameful, staff should be ashamed of themselves for this kind of behavior.

what? ashamed of what? i think u forgot to say what staff did, but... uh, yes, if there's continuous harassment then staff should intervene. keep in mind that staff doesn't have to take care of users on some sort of personal level - if someone is dealing with mental health issues, then staff doesn't have to help them. they aren't doctors, they might even make it worse and anyone could do that. toribash isn't a daycare either.
The Staff attack, i'm not trying to make the staff sound evil

bruh u haven't done much other than that in this thread
and the staff say "We don't deal with mental health, we ain't here for that."

yeah, if someone is having suicidal thoughts then they should seek medical assistance, not epic gamer help in the #support channel. u gotta consider that we got a bunch of staffers that aren't even adults, and that's not a problem because their job is moderating the game, making events etc., not dealing with people's personal struggles

fucking hell, people spend 5 years (at least around here!!) in college in order to do that properly
he's done more then a lot of the current staff

most staff work is done behind the scenes. it's not politics, smods aren't going around FLEXING their bans, edited posts, rule changes. they are just, mostly, handling reports and doing janitor work. nothing special, so what u said is a very hot take
Half the people on staff shouldn't be staff due to there attitude and favoritism with people.

Staff has its issues we have people as staff that shouldn't be in there positions don't tell me that i don't know what I'm talking about, because i do.

say names, nobody likes ambiguity; especially when ur complaining about people like this. really makes it seem like u don't know what ur talking about - which is probably the case. u haven't provided examples or actual evidence, aside from very debatable, biased stuff
This isn't just a page to blame the staff.

is this a joke
We need people like pouffy, who are so understanding and nice. Erth and higher ups are also important

finally we agree

ok, so, i paused my ween to read this thread and post in it. i expected it to be a funny discussion thread, but this isn't a discussion thread at all - it's a biased staff complaint, the only difference is that it's open to the public.

this game is dead bc it's an indie game that has been a thing for nearly 13(?) years now and the last MAJOR changes in gameplay happened around 2011, 2012. no game lasts THIS long and toribash never even had a huge playerbase. there are no major improvements, not a lot of reason to play - and i'm not even blaming the people that are trying, like sir, we just need toribash next in order to "revive" this game.

overall, this thread is a headache and most of the things u said barely make sense, jesus christ. chirs is right, the amount of contradictions is absurd. sorry if ur friend got ignored or whatever, tell him to post in staff complaints, because this is not the place for this melodramatic shit
oh and one last thing i forgot: multiple factors are considered when staff votes on applicants. if a player is constantly getting in trouble, being immature and toxic, then there's no way they're going to get in. it's not only about hosting an event or being kind for a day - that means nothing if u also spend half of ur time tussling with people in the in-game chat or discord or whatever. not a good look
Last edited by Arctic; Feb 28, 2019 at 05:53 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
I'm not sure if Gang asked you to make this thread (similarly to how he asked people to spam staff with his legend nomination) or you did it out of your free will, but Gang not being given a staff position is definitely not "another example of how staff are killing the game".

As Arctic mentioned, there are lots of things that are considered when users apply to staff positions. Yes Gang hasn't been causing any issues lately, but him being good for a few months doesn't suddenly negate his previous (and still recent) bans and issues he used to cause in past. Him saying he'd quit the game now after not getting the position doesn't make the situation any better - we aren't here to treat your medical conditions or give you staff permissions out of pity.

If you want to make a staff complaint about specific Toribash staff members, please go ahead and we'll address it.
