Endurance Onslaught 6.0
oh yeah you have some style
pretty solid movement and setups
some poor but definitely not bad arms usage in my opinion
amazing dms

very neat replay although I dislike the ending tbh, good job anyways
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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Watch my Replays!

I'm a dueler by trade so it's nice to have some feedback on this sort of thing. I'll take your comments under consideration.

I tried doing a manip. Gentleman started off with the opener and initial setup. I took over around 460 leading into the dms before lazily finishing off with a pose. I tried to get the decap as well with the first strike, but the neck joint was too far away from the point of contact & I couldn't compress uke's torso with enough force and momentum so I needed to do a second kick. This took a few days, and I'm pretty satisfied with the end result. I hope you enjoy it!
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hi olivia, since you seem to show at least some interest with learning how to replaymake ill cnc both replays for you and how i feel about them
Originally Posted by olivia View Post

is a word id use to describe most of the current replays youve posted. overall, your replays show to be from a player that has interest in toribash as a game, and that replaymaking isnt something theyve taken interest in till very recent, which i assume is actually the case. these replays generally are very very twitchy and show that every few frames you change your mind on whats going on with the replay and it inevitably makes the replay look very odd

anyways, let me speak about the replays you have posted

olivia. i cattivi pensieri.

opener until 445 was genuinely a very nice part of the replay, and i liked it i must say
from then on to about 425 you then decided to totally contradict what you just did and throw your left leg behind you and totally come to a stop where nothing happens in the replay for about 20 frames. try avoid doing things like this as it ruins the replay
i like footgrabs but the fact u specifically went for this foot grab was very offensive to me
split was meh and you move awkwardly until launch
launch was ok and the dms were fine i especially like the decap that kick was very cool
flailing was very ugly and the last dms are meh i guess just kinda looked like you wanted to add as much as you could to the replay

overall, coming from a dueler who doesnt have any prior knowledge to replay making, its a decent start.

olivia & gentleman. it's nine o'clock on a saturday.

opener was pretty terrible in this one, in all honesty, but considering that you claim this opener isnt by you then im not going to talk about it
460 onwards was very twitchy and to me it looked like an attempt at a manipulation replay but youre forgetting one of the main fundamentals of replaymaking and that is to rotate uke as well. just keeping uke afloat doesnt really do much for the replay and generally looks pretty terrible
the hit was a 5 dm hit i think and thats honestly not too bad, i feel with a little tweaking you couldve traded the pec for the glute or even got them both, but it doesnt really matter
follow up to the next kick was honestly fine too and the dms from it are ok
onwards from there to the pose was very good, i must say

this one, id say the beginning of this was actually terrible and, even though you claim someone else made the opener, i cant quite make out any clear cut that you edited from and it looks like you made this entire replay, but i guess ill take your word for it
anyway, the ending of this replay was much better than the last and generally i can see improvement between two replays

overall, work on twitching and sticking to one idea and focus a little more on how you move and try to develop a style for yourself

best of luck :)

note: also, using full stops in replay names is MY THING