Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Article 13 passed...
So now the internet is screwed. The MEP's didn't give a shit about us most of the MEP's were 60 and 70. They don't have a clue how the internet works, other than going on facebook and laughing at minions. Many companies and people world wide have stood against article 13. They didn't want to end up having to pay for using content that falls under fair use. Now companies will have to take blame for users that use content that is copyrighted. How the fuck can they instantly take down content that doesn't belong to them? I honestly don't get the purpose of this. The only people who wont be affected dramatically are the people who just want fatter pockets. Individual creators will be affected badly, but not the companies since they can upload content that isn't theirs but individuals cant even if it falls under fair use. Even if they edited the copyrighted material. This can make it extremely difficult for them to upload content, as article 13 restricts their freedom. The consequences of article 13 could change the internet for the worse...

I could see many people using vpn to bypass this atrocity, but it might become illegal to even use vpn.

We may have won against net neutrality, but not against article 13. We've relentlessly tried to persuade our MEP's to vote against article 13 but it was all in vain.
[insert generic quotes from certain players]
Yes I feel really bad for youtube "content creators" who fake scream while watching new avengers trailer
oh yeah
The bad part is that youtube's algorithms are very much flawed and could inflict an unprecedented amount of unnecessary damage. google news would also be affected under article 11, but article 13 (now 17) is much more concerning afaik there are still two years to make changes and to implement the articles within eu countries

i'm not particularly for these articles passing because my youtube playlist will be all sorts of fucked

but how i'm imagining it would work on the youtube platform would be something along the lines of an automated filter that monitors what you upload, youtube's algorithms being flawed as is, this can cause problems

EDIT: oh, also, some access of the internet might be outright restricted to some parts of the eu due to financial and legal concerns

EDIT 2: and this could have a world wide domino effect because if the previous edit is wrong, they most likely won't only have an algorithm for a certain region of the world, and considering phillip defranco also addressed the situation and said if it comes to it, he may revoke access from european viewers due to concern for copyright infringement under the newly implemented articles
Last edited by ddos; Mar 27, 2019 at 12:26 PM.
<[Alpha]Diamond> in short: you count pings, you run, you lick boots
Eh, it sucks and all but it's really not as horrible as people make it out to be. It tackles copyright issues, which is good intent, just depends how the law will be applied.
As stated by European parliament, memes will be excluded from this law, so most controversial point is pretty much tackled.

I think, if applied correctly, this law could in fact make internet better rather than worse. Of course people always expect the worst when middle aged politicians are in charge of such laws, so there is reasonable cause for concern, but at the same time we have to see how it unfolds before going panic mode. Realistically it could stop the awful content stealing on social medias and video sharing platforms, as well as protect "original content" creators.
Any law that has loopholes to be abused will get abused. This one does, so expect even more dumb copyright claims from companies / people who want to make a quick buck. They've pretty much ruined Youtube already, now they'll be able to mess with even more websites.

As for memes being excluded, "a meme" doesn't have a clear definition in terms of law, especially considering that anything can be a meme these days. My guess is that some sort of "expert commissions" will be making a decision on each case separately in a similar fashion to how they do that in Russia now, and huh those usually consist of people who think the internet only has kitten photos and fake news.

tl;dr old people should stay away from internet and not fuck it up