Original Post
Kick decap demo settings
I dont know maby someone do that because this is simple [when you for mistake contract abs and hips to lok "hej what will he do"]

contract abs
contract hips
Rise shoulders
Contract pecs
extend abs
extend hips
contract glutes [or extend theme if you want to rip of both shoulder insteed of head]
contract knees
and when we are close to the ground or already there "P"
contract hpis
extend knees
lower shoulders
extedn glutes
to make some piruetes

What do you think?
Re: Kick decap demo settings
I think i did something wrong cause i just jumped backwards! :o so i thought it was a bad move :
Re: Kick decap demo settings
You must do something wrong because move works [I tried it with that instruktion] ... But maby some other reposts?