Original Post
ONEBIP account problem
well i have 5 CAD on my onebip account..... i want to buy some tc with it but why isnt it showing up in my account details on toribash?? is there some middle step im missing? someone help me please!!
Goto the Torishop & go through the process of buying some toricreds via mobile, it'll take you to onebip. Fill in your onebip user name & password.

So long as there's enough money in your onebip account it'll ask you to confirm your purchase. If you don't have enough money it'll prompt you to transfer some 1st.

If it's been successful then you'll get a PM on the forum.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
well now the moneys gone ...
but i didnt get the pm you stated that i should ..... what the h.e. double hockey sticks happened lol