Original Post
Item Trouble.
Hey all, i just bough myself a stomach texture, but my internet had a lag, so i clicked sometimes, and then i was in torishop directory, but i have 2 stomach textures!!!

I accidentally clicked it 2 while my internet lagged.

Now i cant get my tc back, but i have 2 stomach textures :/

Could any admin help me please.

Here my Inv

and Transfer History

Hope a admin can help soon.

Greetings, Nobuddie
Last edited by Nobuddie; Dec 3, 2008 at 11:43 AM.
The only reason you'll be helped is out of generosity. After all it wasn't an error in the the program but an error caused by your software... Though I do hope they help you, you're a good guy.
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.