Original Post

In the ages of old, the torigods blessed its people with peace and tranquility.
They installed tournaments to let the best of the best prove themselves. Some champions arose, some fell, all was well for generations to come. Over the years the lands were prosperous, the fights honorable, and clans even came together to celebrate their differences. The years turned and turned and so did toribash's people too. Not only in their behavior, but in their own merit, chaos was being installed, slowly but surely. Unamused with the progress, the torigods and their top champions left the lands, and so did their followers hopes and aspirations, war was coming. Before anyone knew it, the lands had been turned upside down, forever to be twisted and turned into something unrecognizable. With the constant change, Vidoxians arose, demons of old, bringers of turmoil.So as last spark of hope, the clans once at war, banded together one last time to crush their new opponents, the final spark of life among its people must be preserved.
This is toribash's last chance to preserve its traditions.
Current ranks:
Imperator - A high ranking officer, capable of commanding entire operations on their own.
Duplicarii - An NCO. Keeps order among their troops.
Immunis - An official member of the Vidoxian army.
Miles - A non official member who must prove their loyalty.

Clan bank: @yoyoman98
As far as joining the clan, really anyone is allowed. I play the game for fun, and would love to have some friends that enjoy doing so as well. Feel free to play along with the whole demon shtick if you would like!