Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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TBN and forums
Originally Posted by Divine View Post
The same forums will be used for both current TB and TB Next

I found this point very odd so I wanted to discuss it in a separate thread.

If these forums are actually going to be used for TBN, that's just a horrible move IMO. First of all, we were promised that TBN will no longer depend on forums and all features will be available in game. If we go by format of current forums, then there is no way this can co-exist with all the same functions in game, meaning things like market will still more than likely be exclusive to forums.

Boards like S&I or Tech. Support will be super confusing because now users will have to specify which game they're talking about, and even if each game has their dedicated boards there will still be obvious mix ups and confusion.

Even though the forum is now getting an overhaul, there is nothing that I can think of which would justify using the same forums for both games.

So many decisions are being made behind the scenes that end up making the player base more detached from devs and staff it's getting wild. To be successful indie game, one of the key elements is to listen to the community and make decisions with them, not behind their backs. People were already sceptical of TBN when it got announced, but the hype was there. Now hype is dead and majority of the community isn't even looking forward to TBN anymore.
I understand your point, some people could confuse these 2 games on the same forum plattform. Maybe there will be a same overlay but another internetpage.

the toribash domain has some space for new forum links, but I hope the design and everything will be new as possible with new functions ofc. I think we all dream about stuff surrounding TBN but the most important thing will be the improvement of the original game parts.

If you could send TC and/or items in the game you'll need less forum anyways!
Enjoint life
If these forums are actually going to be used for TBN, that's just a horrible move IMO. First of all, we were promised that TBN will no longer depend on forums and all features will be available in game. If we go by format of current forums, then there is no way this can co-exist with all the same functions in game, meaning things like market will still more than likely be exclusive to forums.

I don't think you understand the forums' role. The fact that Toribash has majority of community-related features integrated with forums doesn't mean that's a restriction imposed by forums or the game itself, that's just the design devs went with back in times. There's been no change in plans of keeping all the TBN features available directly from game client.

As for the confusion between Toribash and TBN related threads, we'll obviously be reorganizing forums closer to release. Some boards like Off-topic won't require separation due to their nature, but those that do will surely be updated accordingly.

So many decisions are being made behind the scenes that end up making the player base more detached from devs and staff it's getting wild.

Things that require community insight (e.g. clans/orgs related policies) are discussed with the community. Whether or not to use same forums won't be discussed with the community primarily due to the fact that there'd only be a tiny portion of people who'd know what they're talking about - same aplies to actual game development.
This, however, doesn't mean that nobody reads your feedback, but we won't act like we'll do anything people say when we know for sure that some stuff is set in stone.

We've been testing the new forums design with staff for about 2 weeks now, plan is to start public testing some time next week. The thread is still up (https://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=628013), you're welcome to share any suggestions that you have regarding how forums should look/work.

Now hype is dead and majority of the community isn't even looking forward to TBN anymore.

That's a bold statement.
@Sir I see what you mean, but that's not entirely my concern, I probably should have been more clear in my post.

If you're using the same forum for both games, it instantly makes me assume that we will have same shitty market with limited features, same outdated inventory management and all other restrictions that we currently have with TB. I think I can speak for majority here when I say that we expected a brand new game, not the same old system with a new in-game engine.

And sure, as bold as the statement is, you can see it everywhere. Just look at any TBN related post and you'll see that majority of players are slowly but steadily losing hope in the game being any good or worth looking forward to.
When I say the same forums will be used for both games I mean the domain will be the same, not the functionality. The forum domain has nothing to do with the functionality of TB or TBN.

I'm not sure what the grand plan is for TBN or what will change with the forums overtime in terms of purpose and functionality, I only know that if you want to use the forums after TBN comes out you'll still have to put forum.toribash.com into the address bar.

Need help? PM me!
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Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
If you're using the same forum for both games, it instantly makes me assume that we will have same shitty market with limited features, same outdated inventory management and all other restrictions that we currently have with TB. I think I can speak for majority here when I say that we expected a brand new game, not the same old system with a new in-game engine.

There's no need to make everything from scratch when you're making something new, especially when systems being currently in use aren't broken to the core. That's only something communists do.
Stuff like market will very likely be changed primarily because current one was designed in a way that you can't really upgrade it to be subjectively better - which isn't really the case with inventory or, say, clans. I've already said this in your older market related thread in S&I:
Originally Posted by sir View Post
Market update will eventually happen, but it requires some time. I don't see any point in doing multiple tiny updates to an overall flawed system when it's better to wait until other updates are finished and make an actually good system instead. There are fundamental issues with how current market is organized which prevent proper updates to make it operate the way you'd expect a modern game market to work.

Got any specific complaints about inventory? Don't think I've seen any suggestions on what to improve there or what is bad in particular, so will be willing to hear your thoughts regarding that. S&I would fit it better than Rapid Threads though.

I'm not sure what you or other people you imply when saying "we" expected of TBN, but I feel like it has always been presented as a new Toribash game. Hampa was very specific in that he doesn't want to make the game not feel like Toribash, so essentially yes, it will be the same game but with better everything - starting with physics and overall characters' balancing and ending with customization possibilities. Surely you can say it was announced too early but you never know when RL kicks in.
Alright, nice to hear. S&I surely would be way more fitting at this point, but I don't think there is necessity to make a separate post. This thread can be moved though.

I'm glad you asked. Yes, the inventory is quite inconvenient. I personally think the way inventory is set up is flawed to the core, however it generally only becomes apparent when you have big inventory. Here are few limitations:
  • It takes around 5 to 10 seconds to load a big inventory. Might sound like a non-issue, but it ties in with the following point.
  • To sell an item you're still forced to navigate to a separate page (to set the price). If you're selling, let's say, 10 items, just navigating between pages can take up minutes.
  • Sets are messy and hard to work with as they all look the same and you cannot arrange them in any other than default way.
  • More than 50% of the screen is a white space in desktop resolution as all HTML elements have static dimensions. This makes for a very long scrolling session if you're trying to manage things without using search.
  • Buttons, hypertext and check boxes are way too small to operate on a touchscreen or even on desktop to some standards.

There are many more nitpicks but I suppose those are the main issues.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
That's a bold statement.

tell me one person who actualy still cares about TBN apart from your staff thats filled with 15 year olds