Original Post
Saber flippy Decap
Hey Guys, I got those saber mods, (im new) so i decided to try em out. i came up with this flippy saber decap thing. Plz rate and comment! It does look pretty crap...

Just to let u know, i didnt make this mod, someone else did. da topic is around here somewhere.
Re: Saber flippy Decap
ooh my mods.....
heres a link to all 4 of them


it was good for a new person
i remember when i was new i thought every time i even touched uke was awsome!
expariment with moveing the back
you can do some pretty cool things when the back is involved
Re: Saber flippy Decap
not bad for being new m8 but try to get a good landing or even come back for more. I like the angle you hit it at though so I'll give you a 7 / 10 (I'm in a good mood today lol)