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How not to fall over backwards.
This has been bugging me for a bit. There are not a lot of techniques for stopping characters from falling backwards that I know of.

Many times I attempt to whale upon my opponent and I keep falling backwards in a way that stops me from reaching people or correcting myself and taking them with me, and it's the upper body which is a cause of the problem it would seem, all it could take is one extra joint in the back and you could hunch forward and take control of oneself.

As far as possible corrections go I assume you could mod the game so that the characters have three legs each and stand much like a tripod which would eliminate the problem and perhaps create some entertaining fight scenarios, especially if all the legs could rotate on the Abs forever.

One technique has served me well as far as 'not falling over backwards again' goes.
  • Contract the ankles...

Any other ideas? I'm stumped.
Re: How not to fall over backwards.
You could try jumping, using the kness, and then raising your shoulders so you land on them instead of a part where you would DQ. If you are falling backwards and you can't use your legs or feet, try contracting/extending the pecs and raising the shoulders etc.

I hope someone posts something a little better. :P
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: How not to fall over backwards.
Maybe if the feet had a bit more friction or maybe the friction of the feet could be changed by clicking on it? That way the feet would stick to the floor and we wouldn't move around so much.

Incidentally, if the bending of the abs could affect every back joint as the same way as the abs, could we make the bodies more adaptable?

So yes, back back backitty back.
Re: How not to fall over backwards.
veb, is this what you mean by "better"?

falling over backwards is inevitable, but you have around... 5 options, I think.

Grab your opponent
Grab them, then pull yourself forwards using pecs and elbows (mostly). It also helps to contract your abs and extend your hips, sometimes ankles to give some lifting power for a throw. If you can het your oppponent off the floor like this, raise your shoulders to bring them up and backwards, and you forwards. However, it's not too much of a good idea to just stand with them over your head like that.

Fall over and lose
Probably my least favorite option. Recommended for: people without fingers, blind people, rocks, and veb.
(plz don't kill me)

If you're tipping over, you can extend your ankles, hips, and abs and raise your shoulders to push yourself off the floor. The only problem with this is the spin, which is never exactly the same. It's not going to be that easy to land if you're actually learning from this tutorial, so I'd only really rely on this once you can do the next one...

Land without DQing
DQ stands for "disqualify". Now that I'm done clearing that up, this one is kinda simple. what you have to do is move your limbs so they, instead of the rest of you, are what touch the floor. If you're falling backwards, it's usually best to

extend glutes
ankles don't matter too much
extend hips
raise shoulders
extend pecs

Depending on how hard you fall, you may need to

extend abs

as well. I usually do it for good measure. If you, for whatever reason, are falling forwards... it's still very similar.

extend glutes
contract ankles
contract hips (but only a little, (about 10-20 frames) this may not work in judo due to the 70 frame thing) contract abs
contract pecs
raise shoulders.

You should be fine after that. If you're falling sideways... it's a little tricky. This may be confusing, but that's because you don't always fall to the right, it varies... so I'm going to have to keep directions out of this one.

extend glute of leg you're still standing on (it works if you extend both glutes too)
raise both shoulders
bend lumbar to the side you're falling
rotate chest to the side you're falling
extend ankles

your little person should kinda flip sideways and twist.the twist may be confusing, but it's so you can land on your hands instead of shoulder when you hit the floor. If you won't quite fall on your leg, you can also kinda scissor kick

extend contracted leg
contract extended leg
or just extend one leg and contract the other, if neither have been extended or contracted yet

and you''ll add or reduce the spin on your person-thing.

Land on your opponent, instead of the floor

Obviously, this one's my favorite. To do this, you need a sideways motion, so play around with your glutes, lumbar, chest, and pecs to get the desired effect, and pull them forwards. Then, you really just need to land on them, and make them worry about DQing. I like this one, but it's the kind of thing you do differently every time, so I can't actually post steps.

It's crucial that you keep checking with your little ghost image to see how you are going to fall. It will show you where you're going to fall over, and that helps you prevent it. If you see your right hip is going to hit the floor, you should extend your right glute and extend your right hip, and that should fix the problem. However, that's exactly how I do it. The moves listed above should work in most situations, but they should not be completely relied on, it's usually best to do it yourself, and get used to improvising.

I love my slightly confusing tutorials
Re: How not to fall over backwards.
Other points:

  • The head and neck make a surprising difference when shifting weight I find.
  • Be careful with the abs, a pelvic thrust can spell doom.
  • If you are going to shift one of the legs to give support to behind, make sure you lift the leg forward first to avoid doing a crappy little back flip.
  • Don't keep all your attention to the legs because it's the back that’s the worst offender it seems.
  • It is possible to control both characters in single player, so if you fall backwards again you can get the second guy to yank you back up again or to stop himself falling on top of you.

Its tough when you control the ragdoll equivilent of gerald ford.