Original Post
100 Tc giveaway And a Lesson to learn.
My message to Ezeth:
Your comment
'because 100k giveaway is for poor guys'
it fills me with disgust, I feel awful for you I hope you learn from my message
first, let's talk about loonas give away, straightforward clean, had no greed in it
yours quickly states how 100 k is for poor guys is this you?
Are you the one under control? it seems like you are a permanent slave of greed
And what about Poor guys
There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance
And what about 100 k being for poor guys what are you implying that you're rich? that you're controlled by greed?
The richest of the rich is the one who is not a prisoner of greed
And for the ones that are receiving it won't be greed but in his pov and the quote is given it is.
I'm done with you I hope you learn and if you want to respond
don't act smart and insult but say something that benefits the situation
Now for my giveaway. it might be a low amount of tc but we can learn
lots of stuff from this, first treating money
Treat money as if it were the dirt below your feet. Because when dirt comes over your head, it becomes your grave
Second What Wealth actually is
What is wealth, and how to find it? Many Search for wealth and do not find it, it will
be found through contentment, adhere to contentment and you'll become Rich
I got much more stuff to list but for now, let us go on with life
Post your name and ill add you to the wheel
Good luck.

Sorry I was just swanking my richness

Rich People* are pouring brandy in their glasses

as the winter freezes the ones from the lower classes
The lazy riches who do nothing are eating a lot
and the hardworking labourers are left to rot
The Greedy Sons of Man fight and die for money
collecting even a coin,like bees collect nectar for honey

Rich People are commiting crimes and moving free
as the poor are treated like dogs of low degree
Swanking their richness is their biggest pleasure
and the miseries of the poor are out any measure
The Money Hungry just want more of it all around
just like mud laden pigs roll in muddy ground

Rich People believe they are not bound to any rule
and the low classes are the ones who get fooled
Even the government listens to the Riches the most
and the others are burdened with rising costs
The Lettuce Frenzied are hoarding money in bank
just like dogs bury the bones in the lands

Rich People believe that they are of a superior race
and the low classes are the ones thrown into disgrace
Exploiting the poor is Rich People's favourite habit
and the others just watch,waiting for the same of it
The Money loving people can make the system bend
and why does this vicious beast of humanity has NO END ?