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Win a free Demon Pack V2
I am still determined to give away my Demon Pack one way or another, so here's your second chance to claim it.
In this one, I will tell you everything you need to know so you can be an informed judge and jury and be able to better solve these cases bellow. These cases are a lot easier this time and I don't expect anyone to struggle with them. First one to answer all 5 correctly gets the Pack. Good luck!

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

Case 5

Deadline is on 2nd of May (2 weeks)
Last edited by Bibian; Apr 19, 2022 at 05:12 PM.
the world is as beautiful as what you make it out to be
You have to give explanations, it doesn't need to be perfect though
the world is as beautiful as what you make it out to be

My attempt

Last edited by pusga; Apr 19, 2022 at 09:20 PM.
oh yeah
Alright i'll have a go.

Case 1:
1. No, there was no agreement of anything
2. Yes, seems like all 3 conditions of an agency relationship are met
3. No, because in that scenario I'm acting on my own behalf

Case 2:
1. I would have to say she is not liable because she was only responsible for providing her car, not getting kids to and from the game safely.
2. the coach was acting subject to Miss Sara's control because he had a condition of not allowing a teenager to drive the car, which he agreed and adhered to.
3. No, not really. Miss Sara wasn't responsible for getting those kids to and from the game, she simply agreed to provide her car for the transportation.

Case 3:
1. Yes. I think in this case LA Dodgers' employee was acting recklesly within the scope of his employment and they can be held responsible for his actions
2. Idk much about baseball but I'd say Terry is an employee because he is in the team, uses all of the equipment of the team and responds directly to his coach.
3. Terry was acting dumb as an eployee of Dodgers because it was durring a game and the verbal abuse he received would have probably directly affected his performance in the game.

Case 4:
1. No. First of all he himself contributed to the danger. Furthermore he could have called 911 in this situation and the dangers of driving drunk could potentially be more severe than the dangers of having a wound as at that point you're also putting other people at risk.

Case 5:
1. Yes. It mees all the criteria for necessity defense:
  • They reasonably believed that they would starve to death if they didn't take action
  • They believed there was no alternative other than sacrificing a crew member in order to survive
  • The potential deaths of all crew members avoided by sacrificing just one seemed like a reasonable tradeoff
  • The defendants did not cause the crash and they couldn't control the circumstances of being stranded, so the situation was out of their control.
Last edited by Smaguris; Apr 19, 2022 at 10:15 PM.
omg, i will be answering it in a few days;3
Last edited by Deimos; Apr 22, 2022 at 07:23 PM. Reason: ass
i came with a .38 and im leaving with a body
my answa
Case 1:
Q1.As smaguris said, No, there was no agreement of anything.

Q2. There is an agreement between the agent and the principal that the agent will sell the pen for the principal
Q2b. The agent is reacting on behalf of the principal because they are going to carry out said task FOR the principal
Q2c. The agent is subject to the principal's control because again, The agent is going to carry out the task for the principal by selling the pen For the principal.

Q3. No, there is no control in this situation after the pen has been bought. The agent is also not acting on behalf of the principal
Case 2:
Q1. No, there was an agreement between the two about driving Miss Sara's Car. But not about the coach's negligent driving

Q2. The coach was acting subject to Miss Sara's control because the coach was complying with Miss Sara's demands.

Q3. The coach was not acting on Miss Sara's behalf because Miss Sara did not have any responsibility for the actions of the coach on the drive.
Case 3:
Q1. No, The LA Dodgers are not responsible for Terry's actions at all, They had no idea or indication that Terry was going to do that.

Q2.Terry is an Employee contractor, The LA Dodgers supply Terry with the equipment

Q3. Terry did something dumb out of his own thoughts, he got annoyed at the fan and threw the baseball at his own accord.
Case 4:
Q1. No, Finn put himself in this danger and is putting other peoples lives at risk by drunk driving, an act out of selfishness. He also could've called emergency services.
Case 5:
Q1.Yes, It meets all the Guidelines for necessity defense:
They were under the impression they would have starved to death without the sacrifice.
They believed there was no other supply of food or drink in order to survive.
The harm could have been 4 people dead but only 1 died.
The situation was out of the crewmates control and they did not cause the crash.

PS: (i know im past the deadline but prizes weren't dished and i thought of it to do when i was bored)
we are better than you