Original Post
Bwhahah! I am the Crazy Rabbit! Heheheh! Easter has come around again! And that right, I am giving away 750 credits to the first person to decapitate me! Bwhahah! If you decap me, post here within 12 hours and you will win 750 credits! I'll appear in demo servers, so every one has a chance! Mwhahahah!

Don't forget to run ToriUpdate!
Re: WIN 750 CREDITS!!!
I win! First try, first fight, first move!
Last edited by Ethereal; Jun 28, 2007 at 11:23 PM.
Re: WIN 750 CREDITS!!!
Erm... about 3 games into Judo, I was decaped by Ethereal! Congratulations, Ethereal!

Because it was only 3 games in, though, and because my donor has money to spare, I will hold a second competition worth another 750!!! Huzah!
Re: WIN 750 CREDITS!!!
Grats to Ethereal, and nice comp. I didn't catch ya though.
<Imsku> One sentence at a time, I will work my way into everyone's signature.
<%Qegola> I shouldn't have slept with that dude in the subway...