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5 Votes / 38.46%
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RockemSockem replay/discussion
Hi, all

This is my first thread so don't laugh at me please

well, I host a RockemSockem mod server most of the time I play toribash. After using it for quite some time, I was I able to make some nice replays. (at least I think so)

please comment and post your own replays, but please make them only rockemsockem mod replays. Thanks

Oh, and the secondary objective of this thread is to make RockemSockem a more popular mod. So, try the mod and make a server for multiplayer.

Im not sure how to upload replays yet, but I think I did it. if I didn't please let me double post.
Last edited by blkk; Jan 10, 2009 at 04:50 AM.
Welcome to the forum.First thing, you should know that this is a friendly forum, whe don't laugh at people(only the bad ones does)but they usualy help you, like telling you to use more relax and everthing that may help you.

Those replays are nice, lots of dms XD, but you can try using more relax next time. 8/10
Click here and make Jesus STRONGER ^^
[You should click, its fun]
thanks for the feedback
Thanks Mikael. I'll keep that in mind for the future. Im going to post a few more replayes, ones that I saved in multiplayer. I admit their not that good, but they do show what multiplayer is like with this mod.

oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, try looking at "third the charm" replay and click... I think it was 5,or 6. you'll get a nice view.
Last edited by blkk; Jan 10, 2009 at 04:50 AM.
Ok I got 2 replays. Both of them are okay IMO but I was asked to my replay here sooo....
Attached Files
socklem.rpl (51.9 KB, 8 views)
karate chop.rpl (46.5 KB, 6 views)
@blkk lol you don't win much, but you show a lot of potential for a beginner. even though they are not using classic(my preffered mod) they are good for a junior and you should keep it up. also nice win on m8
I'm finally back
thanks all you guys.
wow, gman, I was playing with you just minuets ago, I didnt even know you posted, thanks

As you say stealth, I don't win much, but I don't care about winning. When I make my server, I let other people play first and all do is watch them. It doesnt bother me if I lose so much

what does piss me off is that no one gets tc for when their playing on my server. Every time I play toribash, I set up a server for this mod. I meet old and new friends online, and do fun stuff, But I get no TC. right now I have 11 tc xD. lol. I don't farm with this mod, nor do I abuse it.

I wonder if someone could tell hampa to change it.

ok, heres another replay that I had in multiplayer. Its not a very good looking replay, but its a great for a typical multiplayer battle.

note:for those wanting to start a RockemSockem server, best settings are for 500 total frames, 30,30,30,30,40,40,300, with 120 DM.

In the begginging, I start out in the boxing pose, (elbows contracted, pex contracted, shoulders either up/down). The other player starts with a "falcon punch" which is basicly using arms and chest to deliver the most powerful punch in the first turn. because of the position of the hands in the boxing position, the "falcon punch" fails. shortly afterwords, the player aims one of his arms at the torso, whcih is one of the easiest places to DM because the legs can't move.
Last edited by blkk; Jan 10, 2009 at 04:50 AM.
Can somebody else try to make a boomhit with this mod? Some Critisism please. Can some try making any other type of replay. or comment?
- its been a while
I have One Replay.
Attached Files
0awesomeboxing.rpl (51.9 KB, 9 views)

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it