Original Post
How do you reflect on your time in the Toribash community?
I have been recently thinking about the time I spent on forums and message boards during my childhood and, how looking back 10+ years later I interact with the friends/memories I made in the community.

I wonder (especially to those who have been around longer) if you've met long-time/close friends through this game? If you've moved on as you got older? If you remain active, what is it that keeps you active? If you left, was there a reason why?

Just wanted to get everyone's thoughts on this, since we are edging closer to the 20 years anniversary of this forum.

(For those who don't know me, I first joined the community in 2009, but made a new account named Kyure in 2014 where I became a notorious SMOD who was really anal about the rules and got fired.)
I’m a legend in this game for everything I’ve accomplished, I’ve met quite a good amount of good friends here and still talk to them too from time to time it’s probably one of the best games I’ve played for that sole reason and not because of the other things I’ve achieved
Due to moving a lot, I've known people here longer than pretty much anyone I spend time with irl. I became addicted to this game since it was released on the WII.

In hindsight, maybe I could've spent my time doing other things, but I have no regrets tbh. I couldn't ask for a better life right now.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Joined back in 2014, spent some time by myself, just casually playing the game and quitting right after for 2 years. I came back with a friend of mine, and my second journey actually lasted longer.

By 2019, I got into a [Damned] clan, while being there I started making more and more Toribash inspired art, like edits and 3D renders, and had a good time being Event Artist (still to this day, but I'm pretty much retired). Right now, I don't really dedicate myself to Toribash that much, as I used to. It doesn't feel the same anymore, when majority of people you used to play with just moved on, or join the game very rarely.

For the close friends part, I didn't really meet any, just the people whom I liked and was having a good time with. Anyway, it was an awesome time and I'm really thankful for it <3
I joined when I was 14 and now I'm 27, one more year and I'll have been here longer than I haven't. I haven't gone in game in ages but I like the community and it's fun to see people I saw when I first joined still be around and grow as people. Weird flex but I'm sure my account is older than some of the players of this game now haha.
Toribash has been a great creative outlet and way to chill since i found it at age 11 and i still sometimes enjoy making stuff. Made lots of hilarious memories with the weirdos on here, i love all (most) of u.

on the slightly more negative side i have seen and heard of some of the weirdest, most malicious and downright inexplicable behaviour on here over the years, the fuckery of toribash never fails to surprise me
I can't imagine my life without it. because toribash has been here for me most of my life in my best of times and my worst of times when all i had were my toribash friends I've been here through others best of times and worst. I've made so many good friends and memories through toribash. this really has been the only place where ive felt comfortable being myself. Ive spent much more of my life talking to friends i met on toribash rather than hanging out with anyone irl. toribash has always been my main social hub. its been part of my life blood. I owe it my life. Toribash is a HUGE part of me and who I am. I cannot imagine my life without this community.
Not bad, can't say i didn't spend a fair bit of time here. :V

Certainly met a bunch of very cool people who i'm still more or less in contact with, none in person though. Haven't really played the game proper for years, i guess i'm just kinda done with it, i've done what i want to do. Might still help staff though. :v
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
started as a cringe ass nae nae baby and grew into a megazord power ranger stomper

had it not been for some friendships I made on here I would have instead been influenced by room temperature iq highschool rapscallions and I will forever be grateful
Last edited by piss; Dec 5, 2022 at 05:37 PM.
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal